Madi wins a CURE Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship Award!
Madi has been awarded a CURE Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship. This award will allow Madi to continue her research over the summer. Congrats!
In situ spectroscopy of materials formation
Madi has been awarded a CURE Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship. This award will allow Madi to continue her research over the summer. Congrats!
We’re happy to have the opportunity to work with Evan and Brian this quarter, on a nanocrystal synthesis project and a Monte Carlo simulation project, respectively. Welcome to the lab!
Michael is now officially a PhD candidate. Great job, Michael!
Congrats to Morgan on presenting her exciting new simulation results at the 77th annual Oregon Academy of Science meeting, this year held at George Fox University. Great job, Morgan!
The lab has been awarded an NSF CAREER Award to continue our in situ studies on molecular aggregation!
Congrats to Madi on her “Best Content” award at the Northwest Regional APS Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics! Well deserved!
Congrats to Kelly on the publication of his paper in Optics Letters, describing his use of a spatial light modulator to attain a 45 ps spatially encoded time delay. Great work, Kelly!
Congrats to Morgan on her successful application for computing time at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center. Let’s compute all the things!
Congrats to Michael on a successful 4th term review. Great job!
Madi and Emma survived an unbelievable travel adventure to Salt Lake City, UT to present their summer research projects at the SACNAS National Diversity in STEM conference. Way to persevere through ridiculous circumstances in the name of science!