August 2022 archive

Good luck Marty!

Marty, our intrepid recent graduate, is leaving the lab after many years of great work developing our white-light generation apparatus and doing a huge number of nanocrystal experiments. We will miss his awesome literature reviews at group meetings, his legendary dependability, and of course his friendship. We wish him well as he moves back to California to become an Optical Engineer at Maztech Industries. Keep in touch, Marty!

Laura leaves for gradschool

We say thanks and bid a fond farewell to Laura, who is leaving our lab to start her graduate career in Stanford’s Chemistry Department. Laura has played a leading role on Team Squaraines, working on building a kinetic model that can reproduce the SSTA data she helped measure during thermal annealing. We will miss both Laura and her famous ‘Cathy Aliens’! Best of luck at Stanford, and we look forward to seeing all the great work she’ll do as a graduate student.