Archive of ‘Uncategorized’ category

Kelly, James, and Morgan present their research at the OMQ Symposium

Kelly gave a great oral presentation on using spatially encoded delays to record transient absorption signal, James presented a poster on his recent in situ measurements of phthalocyanines during molecular aggregation, and Morgan presented a poster on her conjugated polymer project. Fantastic job, team!

Morgan wins TA award!

Congrats to Morgan on winning a TA award from the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry! Well deserved for a great job!

We have a laser!

Thanks to Adam at Coherent for helping us install our new Astrella ultrafast laser system! Time to do some science!

Welcome Kira and Marc

We’re happy to welcome our first rotation students! We are looking forward to working with Kira and Marc during Winter quarter on building our transient absorption setup, and some Monte Carlo simulations.

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