Eileen Meehan
Professor Emerita
Department of Radio, Television, and Digital Media
College of Mass Communication and Media Arts
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
“Cosmos: A Galaxy Quest”
FRIDAY, APRIL 20 • 11:45a
Eileen Meehan’s critical communications research interests includes media industries, the political economy of media and cultural studies, audiences and artifacts, media history, technology, policy, and globalization of commercial culture. She was recently interviewed for Key Thinkers in Critical Communication Research: From the Pioneers to the Next Generation (Palgrave McMillan), and honored for her years of service to SIU. Meehan is author of many book chapters, including “A History of the Commodity Audience” (Wiley, 2018); “National Amusements Incorporated” (Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2016); “‘Holy Commodity Fetish Again, Batman!”: Reflections on Corporate Synergy and Market Observation” (British Film Institute, 2015; “God, Capitalism, and the Family Dog” (Wiley Blackwell, 2014); and “A Legacy of Neoliberalism: Patterns in Media Conglomeration” (Routledge, 2011).
She is co-author of many articles, including “Where in the World Is Wonder Woman?” (with Deborah Tudor, In Media Res, 2013) and “Demoting Women on the Screen and in the Board Room” (with Deborah Tudor, Cinema Studies, 2013); “Critical Crossroads or Parallel Routes?: Political Economy and New Approaches to Studying Media Industries and Cultural Products” (with Janet Wasko, Cinema Studies, 2013); “In Defense of a Political Economy of the Media” (with Janet Wasko, Javnost–The Public, 2013); “Regarding Knowns – Known or Unknown” and “Legacies From the Past Histories of Television” (with Michele Hilmes and Horace Newcomb, Journal of Communication Inquiry, 2012); “Cultural Studies and Critical Communications Research” (Democratic Communiqué, 2012); “Media Empires: Corporate Structure and Lines of Control” (Jump Cut: A Review of Contemporary Media, 2010); “Sheltering Politics” (Feminist Media Studies, 2006); and “Transindustrialism and Synergy: Structural Supports for Decreasing Diversity in Commercial Culture” (International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics, 2005).
Meehan is currently working on a co-edited book, The Companion to Television (2nd edition, with Janet Wasko, Wiley). She is author of Why TV Is Not Our Fault: Television Programming, Viewers, and Who’s Really in Control (Rowman & Littlefield, 2006), and co-editor of Sex and Money: Feminism and Political Economy in Media Studies (with Ellen Riordan, Univ. of Minnesota Press, 2002); Dazzled by Disney?: The Global Disney Audiences Project (with Janet Wasko and Mark Phillips, Continuum Pub., 2001). Meehan is a founding member of Media Industries Group for the Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS).