The Black Tie Dinner

Have you RSVPd to the BTD yet?!

If not it’s ok. You still have time!

This year the University of Oregon International Business and Economics Club is hosting a networking dinner for all students.


Our theme this year is Spain! We choose a country each year as a way to learn more about different cultures around the world. We will be learning about Spanish politics, dancing, food, and networking with like minded students and local professionals!



The dinner is free for everyone and is a great opportunity to connect with professionals in our area!

Click here for the RSVP page!

Welcome Back Ducks!

Welcome back to Spring Term Ducks!

In case you missed our first meeting of the term lets recap what we did!

  • Exec elections are coming up soon if you want to know more about the positions talk to one of the members after a meeting and they will be happy to answer any of your questions.
  • Also remember to save the date! May 15th is the day of the Black Tie Dinner. The theme is Spain and we will be exploring more about the culture through food, music, and great speakers. You will also get the chance to network with local professionals.
  • Later on we had a simulation in which members were broken up into five groups and given supplies to make a city. While doing this an exec member would go around to “observe” and take something without their knowledge. At the end one of the groups had most (if not all) of the supplies, while the rest of the groups struggled to put their cities together. This was to demonstrate the way in which business is conducted globally with one group being the “richest” or a first world country and the other groups representing second or third world countries that provide resources.

Make sure to follow us on social media, and we will see you for our week 4 meeting!

Membership Spotlight!

A senior from Salem, Oregon, Austin Hauck is attaining his BS with a focus in marketing. Having been inspired by his first-grade teacher, Austin knew that one day he would be a Duck. After transferring from Chemeketa Community College at the start of his junior year, Austin finally found the fun and inviting atmosphere at the University of Oregon. Today, he speaks highly of the opportunities and resources that the UO provides, all the while proudly wearing green and yellow. Just like a true Oregonian, Austin loves to spend time enjoying the outdoors and relaxing down by the Willamette.

Austin has been an IBEC member since the winter of last year. After taking a Chinese culture class with our now vice president Maria Eagle, Austin decided to try it out. Today, he is one of our most devoted members who is always involved and helps when and where he can. Whether it be our site visits, meetings, or volunteer and fundraising events, we can always count on him to be there. His favorite memory with IBEC was last year’s site visit to San Francisco. Austin said that while it was a great bonding experience between him and other members, he loved the chance to explore a different metropolitan city with a diverse group of his peers. Austin appreciates the opportunities IBEC has allowed him to discover more about the professional world, as well the wide range of options he has in the future: “IBEC has opened my eyes to other companies, not just to Nike as my first choice.”
In the future Austin hope to one day utilize his skills learned at the University of Oregon to work within a marketing department at a Fortune 500 company. He wishes for other members as well as students of the UO to take chances and explore the clubs here on campus: “a club could or couldn’t be for you, but you would never find out if you never take that initial first step.”

Us at IBEC want to thank Austin for being such an amazing member and always going above and beyond to support our club. We wish him all the best in his future endeavors and can’t wait to hear all about his wonderful future accomplishments!

Welcome Back Ducks!

Welcome back and happy winter term!

We are already two weeks in to the new term and we have already had a great start! Here’s a recap if you missed anything in the last week.

We had a tabling fundraiser! Last Friday we raised $70 toward our site visit trip coming up during week 8 of this term. Later that day we also had a small fundraiser a Yogurt Extreme and got know our members better.

We will also be having another fundraiser and volunteer opportunities for our members, so check in on all our social media to find out!



We are also very excited to announce that our site visit this term will be in…..


We will be visiting REI and Tableu and possibly a third company, but we will keep you posted. Make sure you are checking in for volunteer opportunities (you never know if it might help when applying for the site visit). We will be talking more about the site visit at our next meeting to answer any questions!


Member Spotlight!

Take a break from finals and meet this week’s Member Spotlight: Kristen Adams!

Our very special member this week is only a freshman, but in no way has that discouraged her from taking the reigns of her education and experience at the University of Oregon. Kristen is majoring in business administration at the Lindquist College of Business while studying under the Business Honors Program. Outside of the classroom you can find her lifeguarding at the REC or in her Senate seat for Hall Government. Following in the footsteps of her parents—both of whom are Oregon alumni—Kristen left her home in Sweet Home, Oregon, to begin her adventure of a lifetime.

After picking up IBEC’s pamphlet during the Week of Welcome, Kristen has already become an amazing and influential addition to the club! Having attended every meeting this term, she also was one of the few first year students who accompanied us on our site visit to Richardson Sports. Posing great questions to professionals, Kristen came very prepared and was able to spark interesting conversations around the table. Kristen says she appreciates how inclusive and easy it was to get to know the executive team and other members. After speaking more with Kristen, I believed she fully captured the authentic relationships that IBEC provides in saying how IBEC, “allows for personal connections as opposed to networking.” Getting to know everyone on a personal level rather than as another “connection” on LinkedIn is what Kristen says separates IBEC from other business clubs on campus.

In the future, Kristen hopes to be able to run her own company, but has yet to find what exactly what that would look like. In the meantime, she hopes to see more of what this world has to offer her, and wishes to spend her life traveling the globe. Obviously, Kristen is an outstanding student at the University of Oregon who aspires to do great things! We at IBEC are so proud to have her as a member and we can’t wait to see her growth over these next few years!

—To Kristen and everyone else, good luck on your finals and GO DUCKS!