Learning Goals

Learning Goals for Media, Marketing, and Communication

1. I am most interested in the public relations and marketing knowledge. That is the reason why I choose the Art Management program, I want to learning more information about the marketing and manager skills.

2. I hope that I can have a deeper understand  about the art marketing, especially from the market, audience, goals etc, to analysis a business or a company.

3. Through the Media, Marketing and communication,I can learning some very useful techniques, I can developing and designing the logo of the company.

4. In my undergraduate professional courses, I learned some programming software, like the Premiere CS4, Edius. But when I came to U of O, in AAD 612,  there have a lot of different software like the Adobe Illustrator CC, Adobe After Effects,etc. I am interested in  software and want to familiar with these design software.

5. According to my career plan, I want to engage in the media work after I graduated, so the communication knowledge is necessary. When the marketing combine the communication knowledge,  two area crossing, I think the I can gain extensive knowledge more than media or marketing.

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