5 Daily Habits for a Longer Life


Although you might only be worrying about that final exam before the end of the term, It’s important to remember our overall health as well as mental. Getting the right kinds of foods and exercise are just as, if not more, important than reading up on all your assigned texts. MediFacts offers students and non-students alike a mecca of health, meditation, food/diet, recipes and  even the medical science of what happens if you stay up too late to ensure you are getting the most out of your brain power as well as your checkbook. (Have to pay for all those credit hours somehow!)

As well as a helpful color-coded chart on the colors of foods that ensure health, there are also 5 steps that you can take to ensure your health for a long time to come; If the finals don’t do you in. This article about 5 daily habits for a longer life might be just what your looking for to incorporate good habits into your already bustling schedule. That way you don’t have to make a decision on which you care more about: higher IQ or good health.

20 Minute Workout










Sometime you just need a good ass-kicking to push out the stress build up that comes from being a grad school student.  I typically get a few workouts in a week and am satisfied with a good yoga class, hike or bike ride.  I push hard enough to feel good and look adequate in my skinny jeans but I typically don’t “kill it” in the workout realm.

As I’m getting into a heavier workload at school I’m finding the frequency of my workouts is diminishing but I still have a ton of energy I need to burn off.   This week I actually went for a run.   I seriously HATE running, but it was desperate for a workout that was rigorous and quick.  If you hate running too, here’s how to kill it in a crunch (pun intended). Go get em tiger.

Best Workouts To Relieve Stress










Admit it we don’t always exercise because it’s fun.  Sometimes do it for the benefits, even if we don’t feel like it.  Maybe you do it to loose weight, tighten up those buns for thong season, stay flexible, train for competition.  For grad students, you probably want to know what kind of workout gets you fired up, helps you cut the edge, stay focused?  Here’s Men’s Healths suggestions for the best workouts to relieve stress.  Don’t worry, you don’t have to be a dude to benefit and it’s quite unlikely these workouts will put hair on your chest.