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  1. In light of the mental health issues facing graduate students, this handbook will be very useful to those who are considering, applying to, or have started graduate school. Please forward this to whom you think it would benefit. A description is below and the first chapter is free in this link:!surviving-graduate-school/c1bum

    It will be an important book for all first year graduate or professional students whom you know or will know.



    “For too many students, graduate school looks like a game whose rulebook they’re not allowed to see: it’s different from college, but nobody tells you how. The practical advice in David Nguyen’s little book not only will help graduate students avoid some of the common pitfalls, but will help undergraduates prepare themselves for what their advanced studies will bring them.”

    Steven Justice, Ph.D.
    Professor of English, University of Mississippi
    Professor of English, University of California, Berkeley

    Tips for Surviving Graduate & Professional School
    By David H. Nguyen, Ph.D.
    Kindle eBook, $2.99 (US)
    [The Kindle eReader is FREE for smartphones, computers, and tablets.]

    Graduate and professional school can be a very challenging time of many adjustments. Not only is the level of training more difficult, but students come to realize that the success they seek may require skills beyond “book knowledge” and test-taking. Furthermore, the high expectations of themselves – due to their prior success – make the adjustments even harder. Depression is a common result, which can be debilitating. This book seeks to provide insights that will make the adjustments more manageable.

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