Top 10 Tips for Surviving Grad School

Top 10 Tips for Surviving Graduate SchoolHmmm … from  Sound sketchy.  But the tips in Top 10 Tips for Surviving Grad School aren’t bad:

  • Take advantage of professors and other contacts around you.
  • Revise your approach.
  • Get organized.
  • Take initiative

Our personal favorite:  Expect to be busy.  Really? What a revelation!  But seriously, how many of us accurately predicted, down to the minute, exactly how busy we’d be?  We shouldn’t mock the obvious.

12 Keys for Success in Grad School

Find the Grad StudentPardon the obvious, but is a pretty, well, relevant site.  It’s also pretty slick.  12 Keys for Success in Grad School offers some really insightful tips “Go for a brisk walk” and “Control your destiny, Under God” (which isn’t as religious as it may sound).

Warning:  The site has a lot of rich, contemporary content.  If you’re looking at this link for as a quick, study break, viewer beware.  It can be very, very easy to get sucked in to articles that have a lot of impact, thereby eating up time you should be spending writing philosophical meanderings about culture shift.

Speed Read Your Way to Freedom

Lets face it, sometimes you just don’t have enough hours in the day to read through all of those assigned texts. And, after another 8 hour work day, you also told yourself you were going to get in a good workout today.Or maybe that pile of books seems so daunting, you dare to pick it up at all. Wiki How has put together a list of 12 steps to help you speed your way through those texts in no time, leaving you wondering how you got so much free time on your hands for all of those extra-carriculars and coffee dates.

Advice from a Survivor

Ok, so you’re not stranded on an island fending off predators and competitors alike. But if you’re starting to ask yourself if you’ll ever get through your grad program alive, maybe it’s time to start taking advice from a survivor.  Chuck Fidler has served his time on the inside. “You are not alone, as much as you may feel like it” says Fidler, an Author and PHD-Student. He offers some broad yet useful advice on what he learn about getting through the trenches and mid-term papers alike.

“I immediately recalled an episode of The Simpsons in which Bart mocks the plight of young scholars by saying, “Look at me, I’m a grad student! I’m 30 years old and I made $600 last year!” To which Marge replies: “Bart, don’t make fun of grad students. They just made a terrible life choice.”


Study Tips for Graduate Students

So you’ve made it this far, but studying for that final exam seems to be a daunting task. And with all of the other duties of graduate school, how do you find the time anyways? As well as offering just about every test preparation to date, Test Prep Preview offers a variety of helpful tips and tricks to maximize your study time. That way you can get right back to surfing the internet for cat memes, err, dig through that email pile.