Sometime you just need a good ass-kicking to push out the stress build up that comes from being a grad school student. I typically get a few workouts in a week and am satisfied with a good yoga class, hike or bike ride. I push hard enough to feel good and look adequate in my skinny jeans but I typically don’t “kill it” in the workout realm.
As I’m getting into a heavier workload at school I’m finding the frequency of my workouts is diminishing but I still have a ton of energy I need to burn off. This week I actually went for a run. I seriously HATE running, but it was desperate for a workout that was rigorous and quick. If you hate running too, here’s how to kill it in a crunch (pun intended). Go get em tiger.
I have taken more grad school courses than I care to mention, and I have become a big fan of the superset type workouts. I know some people hate her, but Jillian Michaels is the master of these, especially for women. Almost none of her “famous” workouts last more than 30 minutes. Many of these helped me maintain my sanity and not feel like a total lump during grad school. As for paying attention to my family, well… that’s another issue.