Day 6 – The Central San Juan Caldera Complex (pt 2)

Last (full) day of field tripping! After familiarizing ourselves yesterday with the stratigraphic relations of units of the La Garita caldera, we worked our way into the Creede caldera, one of the most well preserved calderas of the central San Juans. Named for the small mining town on its north end, the Creede Caldera occupies the center of the immense (75 x 35 km) La Garita nested caldera system. Creede is a beautifully well preserved example of caldera collapse and resurgent doming. This site provided some of the most spectacular views of caldera collapse structures we’ve seen since the Valles Caldera. Not to mention the turning Aspens and constantly changing weather to improve the views!



Reaching the capstone moment of our trip, the UO crew admires the very impressive, and aspen-accented, resurgent dome (Snowshoe Mtn) of Creede Caldera

Thus, our trip is formally concluded; however the rocks seen, lessons learned, and friendships and collaborations formed will live on throughout our entire careers.

Thank you to Mike Dungan, Paul Wallace, and the UO Staples fund for putting on such a wonderful trip! And a La Garita-sized (ie., huuuge) THANK YOU to our USGS colleagues who shared their time and expertise with us!

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