Saying farewells to the Land of Enchanment, we crossed over from New Mexico into Colorado (although the Rio Grande rift knows no political borders). Venturing out of the Rio Grande basalts and paleo- Lake Alamosa, we set our sights to the massive calderas of the southern San Juan Volcanic Field (SJVF), which occurred in huge bursts between 25-30 Ma. We first visit tuffs sourced from the fascinating Platoro Caldera, in the southeast SJVF:
The Platoro caldera complex was the source of eight, largely dacitic Members of the Treasure Mountain Tuff. These units range in volume up to ~500‐1000 km3 … This system is an instructive example of the difficulty of linking outflow tuff sheets, which present relatively straightforward stratigraphic successions, with the much less well‐preserved corresponding units in their caldera sources.
Did we mention we get to see beautiful rivers and aspen-infused hills of Colorado high-country too?