Senior Thesis Project, Studio Art, Montana State University
Artist Statement: What lies ahead is unknown. For everyone this is true. For a young woman who spends every day in a constant state of anxiety in preparation for those unknown circumstances, the ambiguity is terrifying. It is overwhelming. It is suffocating. A significant part of my energy is spent attempting to organize every aspect of my past, present and future. I am at a turning point. The decisions I make in the next three years may dramatically affect the way the rest of my life progresses. I try to look ahead to see it, to categorize it, but it is invisible. I am unable to posses it; unable to control it. This body of work is a personal attempt to investigate that ambiguity and fear. The installation presents slight rhythms, undulations of subtle color and surface texture that struggle against each other to gain visual precedence. There are references to reality but despite our attempts to reconcile it with the familiar, they are detached. I am detached.