Comp Tech Project Proposal
Comp Tech Project Proposal_Videography & Animation_Stacey Ray
Project Description
Video material has become an important element of programming and marketing which are areas that I have worked within and are interested in pursuing. I want to learn how to tell a compelling story through this medium and create and edit videos. I expect to likely be working in some sort of programming capacity in the future, likely doing some marketing as well, and I recognize the value of creating videos in order to propose programming and events, crowdsource for funding support, communicate ideas, tell stories, and market an organization or program.
The video that I would create would be a 1-2 minute complimentary video for my ePortfolio explaining my goals in the program as well as my research interests. Part of this experience would be learning video animation in order to use drawing and design to tell an original story within a video. Another option would be create a video to promote a sketching group that we are implementing through JSMA Student Advocacy Council, promoting keeping a sketchbook as part of mental health and self-awareness, which would easily incorporate elements of film/video, narration and animation.
I am also interested in beginning to learn Google SketchUp. This would involve exploring and experimenting with the tool during the term, researching guides and tutorials and spending time creating possible art spaces within Google SketchUp. I would at least like to leave the course with the resources to learn this independently in the near future.
Project Goals
- Familiarize myself with video creation, animation, storytelling and editing techniques
- Develop sustainable skills to actually create and edit a 1-3 minute video
- Learn how to create video animation
- Develop resources and support to learn Google SketchUp in the near future for exhibition design and development Strategies
- Work within a group to collectively learn about videography and animation Seek tutorials, guides and resources on filming, animation and video editing
- Research to identify specific tools, software and resources that should be utilized; experiment with these tools and equipment Seek assistance, guidance, feedback and resources from course instructor and peer group Evaluation Standards
- Development of a completed 1-3 minute video utilizing film and animation
- Demonstration of knowledge and abilities in video creation, animation and editing throughout the process and through a final presentation
- Week 2 – Set goals and objectives for video/animation content
- Week 3 – Research video tutorials, guides and resources; learn about the process of animation, video creation and editing; determine tools and equipment that will be needed and how to acquire it. Determine specifics for video content. Visit school with Eric to learn from students.
- Week 4 – Continue research; develop ideas for animation and begin drawing; develop scripts or verbal content Week 5 – Begin filming; finalize animation drawings; brainstorm music ideas; refine goals for weeks 5-10
- Week 6 – Continue filming; finalize drawings for animation; have all content together by the end of the week; begin digital animation and video editing
- Week 7 – Focus on digital animation and video editing; finalize music selections; peer critique and editing Week 8 – Finish video editing and digital animation
- Week 9 – Final touches to complete video; final presentation