
In my final luminaire I took inspiration from my previous prototypes and used Yupo as my final material choice. I took the idea of the tapered pieces I have originally been using in my prototypes and instead of folding them I created slots where pieces could interlock with one another. I was happy with this connection as it does not use glue and it looks a little more elegant then the folded pieces in my original prototypes.  In addition I also overlapped each piece to hide the glare I was had been receiving in my previous luminaires.

I was pretty happy with my final luminaire as I felt it created a layering of washing on the tapered surfaces that I had been very interested in since the beginning of my explorations.  In addition through my final review I had received positive feedback that I hope to further incorporate into my design.  Some of the suggestions include maybe creating a better end condition so the piece does not have a free flowing end. Another suggestion was to create an end condition that can be moved up or down in order to create a dynamic quality to the luminaire so that the pieces can opened up to not have it be as heavy as it seems now.  In addition another suggestion was to have the long strips be at different lengths to again create a more dynamic quality to the luminaire.


Below is a rough perspective of how the luminaire would feel within a space, in this case a cafe.

About Nancy Cheng

Univ. of Oregon Architecture Department head Nancy Yen-wen Cheng, RA, LEED AP researches how design tools and approaches shape outcomes, with a specialization in how craft and computation can stimulate the creative process. She has developed expertise in manipulating sheet materials to create light-modulating structures and has researched how surface relief patterns can increase convective cooling. She has developed fold and slot joints that give structural rigidity to foldable sheet structures and is eager to apply them to rapidly deployable refugee shelters.
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