Updated Annotated Bibliography.

Hauer, Erwin. Continua: Architectural Screen Walls. New York: Princeton Architectural, 2004. Print.

Continua contains selected works of Erwin Hauer’s architectural screens and walls.  His work, especially Design 6 has inspired me in the design of my screens as I tried to achieve some of the effects that Hauer received within his screens.  Within my final project I will be deconstructing one of my screens to design a luminaire that I hope will maintain the same effects I received in my screens


Marietta, Millet. Light Revealing Architecture. Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1996. Print.

Marietta explores light through a range of architecture. Within these spaces she explains the different type of light and how it is been achieved.  I found Marietta exploration through these spaces to really help me to understand the different types of light and how light can transform spaces.  Within my luminaire I hope to achieve a type of light she explains within her book.


“MoCo Loco.”Light”. Various, 2003. Web. 23 May 2012. <http://mocoloco.com/fresh2/lighting/

The website features modern contemporary design and architecture from the work of various designers throughout the world.  As I am not too familiar with lighting design I found this website to be very inspiring and beneficial as I was able to look at a variety of work that is currently being fabricated.  I thought I was also helpful in the way of thinking  of various way lighting can be created.


Moholy, Nagy. Vision in Motion. Chicago: Paul Theobald. 199-219. Print.

Vision in Motion describes some of the fundamentals of photography and how one may transform a piece by changing its application.  What I found interesting within this excerpt was his quote “…one may paint with light as surely as one can paint with oil and pigment” (199).  The quote made me realize that light can really transform what a user sees.


“MyLight by Projectione.” MoCo Loco Design. 03 Aug. 2010. Web. 23 May 2012. http://mocoloco.com/fresh2/2010/08/03/mylight-by-projectione.php

The article describes a DIY kit that allows one to put together a luminaire from laser-cut Mylar components. Within the article there was also a video in which one could watch how the luminaire is put together. It was from this video that I could really digest how the luminaire works. As the assemblies of my the prototype luminaries were not working to the best that I felt it could be, I was inspired in how there was a kit of parts for the MyLight that a user could put the luminaire together themselves.  Overall I feel like the MyLight has a great concept behind it, however I feel the shape of it is reminiscent of a balloon and could have better potential being a more contemporary shape.


Sosebee, Geoff. “Assignment.04 | FinalLuminaire.” Web log post. WordPress. 16 May 2011. Web. 23 May 2012. <gesose.wordpress.com/2011/05/16/assignment-04-finalluminaire/>.

The blog entry gives images of Geoff Sosebee’s luminiaire he created in the Light and Shadow class last year.  Although there is not much description on this specific blog entry of the final luminarie, one can see Sosebee’s process in creating his final luminaire through the rest of his blog. In this blog entry the images give one a clear idea of how the luminaire is fabricated.  As I was not aware of this project until after my final review, I feel that seeing Sosebee’s process and how his luminaire works has a similar concept to my luminaire.  Moving forward I think I can take ideas from his process and translate it into my project to create a more refined luminaire as he has.


Steadman, Philip. The Geometry of Enviornment. By Lionel March. RIBA Publications Limited. 56-86. Print.

Steadman described and analyzed how geometry can organize space.  In addition he also explored how geometry can be rotated and flipped to create multiple patterns.  This article was most relevant to my project as it allowed me to explore how I can transform geometry to create an interesting pattern.


Swirnoff, Lois. Dimensional Color. 2nd ed. New York: W.W. Norton &, 2003. 115-23. Print.

Within the excerpt Awirnoff explores how the hues of individual colors reflect throughout the day.  The excerpt allowed me to understand how color is reflected and how one can experiment with color.   It inspired me in assignment two to experiment with different colors on curved surfaces.


Yen-Wen Cheng, Nancy. Materials and Lighting Effects. 11 Feb. 2010. Web. 11 May 2012. <PDF File>.

The article gives six different ways one can go about experimenting with light and shadow.  The article was very helpful when first looking into the phenomena of light and shadow. It was also great to look back at it for a reference when running into design issue when mocking up a prototype.  Although I felt the categories where all helpful when thinking of light and shadow, ­­the one category that really helped me in my work was the materials category.   As the materials aspect is an important part of my design experimenting, using the different materials listed that bounce color along with Nancy Cheng’s advice helped me move forward and use yupo as my final material choice.



About Nancy Cheng

Univ. of Oregon Architecture Department head Nancy Yen-wen Cheng, RA, LEED AP researches how design tools and approaches shape outcomes, with a specialization in how craft and computation can stimulate the creative process. She has developed expertise in manipulating sheet materials to create light-modulating structures and has researched how surface relief patterns can increase convective cooling. She has developed fold and slot joints that give structural rigidity to foldable sheet structures and is eager to apply them to rapidly deployable refugee shelters.
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