Home to me

In this class I feel I have learned about so many different ways that people can experience home. I have also learned a lot about how a home can not only be a house that you live in but also a place you visited or spent a long period of time at. A Home can also be a place where you feel safe like Jeannette explained in The Glass Castle how she felt at home when she was looking at the stars and the rocks in the desert. For me this was something new because I grew up in Baltimore, Maryland and spent the first 7 years of my life there and loved every second of it. Then I moved to California when I was in the second grade. Of course I was super sad I was a 7 year old boy that just left all his best-friends but I eventually got over it. I spent the next 11 years of my life there and for me I always felt like Baltimore was my real home. As I grew older I finally came to the conclusion that California was more of a home because I had spent more of my life living there and had more memorable moments. Then came the day when I had to move out and go to college. Leaving home is always hard but I quickly found a new home in the state of Oregon. Up until this point in my life I always thought you could only have one home and it had to be a house but from taking and learning from this class I can surly say that I defiantly have more than one home and they are three separate states.

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