Home continued

In this day and age a home is recognized as a house or an apartment or a place you have a significant memory or experience. Humans expect curtain items to be present in there lives in order to feel normal, Jeannette and her siblings didn’t have these items and were never accustomed to them so they relied on other elements to make them feel normal. These items could be related to a home, a school, a friend, a car and even money. Jeannette and her siblings never really experienced any of those items growing up, due to the fact they were always moving around the country.Jeannette and her siblings ended up finding other things to make them feel normal/excepted. Like I said in my other blog post, on Christmas Jeannette’s father could not afford average Christmas present so instead he took Jeannette and her siblings out to the desert and had them a pick a star they wanted. I related this back to a possible home for Jeannette because in the book it expresses how much she loves the stars and the mountains. This shows that humans need shelter but shelter can be described as two different things. In a form with a roof over your head or place or thing that will make you feel safe no matter the circumstances you are in. We has humans have our “needs” and “wants” mixed up and most think without a house and/or stable living situation, you will not be able to succeed as your life progress. Jeannette proved this wrong as she grew up with virtually nothing and also with a dysfunctional family and still went on too attend college and have a successful career.

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