Artifact 6: Creative Spirituality


  • Become familiar with ways in which spirituality influences artists
  • Discuss the differences between spirituality and religion
  • Examine spirituality as a generative force and a well spring for creativity


Original Post


In my opinion, spirituality is something that people believed in no matter what. Just like Grey mentioned in his essay, we have three eyes to look at a piece of art. And I think spirituality is something in the third level. We have to look at something every carefully to get that spirit.


Religion is not just believed, but something that can gave people power and faith when people don’t believe in themselves. Its like light, which point the direction for people to right things. People won’t get lost if they have religion.

inspired man on beach in silhouette at sunset

Creativity is something different. I think creativity is not what people don’t understand, just like the “white paper” art. I believe creativity is a positive word, and it can give people fun.

Creativity comes from daily life as long as we have the eye to find it. We can always find a different way to show things, and that’s creativity. Using imagination to create different feelings and fun, and I think this is not only important to artist but also important to every person to have positive energy.

I think these picture blow shows perfectly what I mean.




The discussion of spirit and religion makes me think a little bit deeper than I ever have about life. In Grey’s theory, artists’ creativity has six phases: formulation, saturation, incubation, inspiration, translation and integration. (Grey, 82). Grey also talked about the three eyes theory which I found most interesting. “I have always been mystified by the body-mind-spirit relationship and the difficulty of making these multiple dimensions of reality visible in a work of art.” (Grey, 84). Each one of them is very important. I think every people should have spirituality but maybe not every one needs religion. The reason is that I think religion depends on people’s belief, and people can choose what to believe in the most. Like I said in my post, I think it is “something that can gave people power and faith when people don’t believe in themselves.”

I want to use this picture to show my understanding of how spirituality influences artists.

spirituality-success-300x185-1diheh5 Goals

I believe art is not something that has formal definition or forms. Just like Ellen Dissanayake said in the essay “What Is Art For”, art is something which is to make something special (p.25). (You can take a look of my discussion about it in my post  “What Is Art For?”.) And artists just need to make something that specializes themselves, and that could be seen as art. In this picture, it seems a little pin, but if you take a closer look, you will find another world in it. Same thing with life. Sometimes people think they are in the most important point in their life, but it might just a very small point in their life if they think about it after several years. So the problem is how we see things, and how we treat them.

This makes me think of another assignment I did this term, and it was about to see food as art. My post was “Food As Art Research ”, and I think that could be another way to think about different eyes of a artist. Everything could be seen as art as long as it has meaning to at least one people. In doing this assignment, I also feel that I can understand deeper about the differences between life and time. I never thought about this before, but I feel like these two things are separate but also connecting with each other. I feel like I would live my life more better, and I am not going to waist it.

Future Goals

Grey’s ideas and works impressed me after knowing how hard he tried to finish every piece of his work, and I think that should be the attitude I need to learn in the future. If I decide that I want to something, I will try my best and spend time on it to make it as successful as possible. I with I could see Grey’s work in real life someday so that I can feel his ideas more closer to try to get his spirituality.


Grey, A. (2001). Art as Spiritual Practice. The Mission of Art (1st ed., pp. 205-233). Boston & London: Shambhala.


Table of  Contents

Main Page of Portfolio

Artifact 1: Life Values Assessment

Artifact 2: What Is Art For?

Artifact 3: Food As Art Research

Artifact 4: Adornment

Artifact 5: Horror

Artifact 6: Creative Spirituality

Artifact 7: Technology

Artifact 8: Public Art


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