Artifact 1: Life Values Assessment


  • Become familiar with the basic relationship of human values to psychological and philoshopical endeavors.
  • Understand that values are formed from external and internal drives of an individual.
  • Explore one’s own value system.


Original Post


1-5 list:

  1. Family
  2. Health
  3. Friendship
  4. Security
  5. Wealth

6-20 list:

Enjoyment, leadership, wisdom, creativity, loyalty, integrity, personal accomplishment, independence, community, prestige, personal development, expertness, service, power, and location.

I thought about the first two value for a while. I firstly think health is the most important thing to me because an unhealthy family would not be a family. However, after I thought through, I asked myself a question. Would I abandon my family if they are sick? My answer is absolutely NO! So I choose to put family as my top one on my list. I put friendship, security, and wealth as my 3-5 on list, and for these three, I thought about them for a very long time. There are many things in that list I think is as important as others. It is really hard to decide. So I come up with a idea to help me ranking. I force myself to choose one within two of these choices. For example, if someone force me to choose between friend or leadership, I would choose friend. If make me to choose between power and location, I would choose power. The most difficult one for me to rank is wealth. I don’t think wealth only equals money. Wealth is much larger than money. I believe wealth is the basement for many things, so that I put it as one of my top five. My family affected me a lot on my values. I have always been taught to be a happy, nice, positive girl. They taught me that one’s personality will bring similar people to her. I believed it, but I learn more things beyond that. Not everyone around me will stay forever, so if I want to keep relationship with someone, I can’t just wait for him or her to find me, I have to go and find them.

Speaking of today, I did lots of activities. I enjoyed my Sunday by waking up naturally, which is around 11 AM. I had a busy week two so I was really excited about this weekends. I went to my favorite restaurant and had lunch with my best friend. I also had FaceTime with my parents who are in China right now. My morning is their night, so we have limit time to chat, but they always wait me during weekends because they know I will not get up until around noon. And now I am doing my AAD assignment. I think all of my activities are related with my value. Someone once told me, you will get more as you grow, and you will lose more at the same time. Life is a journey about getting and giving up. I can’t promise that my list will stay the same after many years, and I don’t think I should. People is changing as well as their values. I believe this assignment is meant to let us get a better idea about ourselves, our current selves.


I chose this post to demonstrate my understanding of art for many reasons. First of all, it is the first time that I see the connection between human values and psychological and philosophical endeavors. In other words, I never thought about my own value in such philosophical way before. I know everybody has values in their life, but I don’t think everyone will see these values clearly by ranking them and discussing them. I can see how I treat my each individual value by really think into it no matter it is good or bad. This makes me think of a very powerful quote from the reading assigned the second week by Lewis, who is the author of the book “A Question of Values: Six Ways We Make the Personal Choices That Shape Our Lives”. She said, “surely what matter most are the values themselves, not the way we arrive at them” (p. 13). I didn’t hide any of my values when I post my discussion because I see this as a great opportunity to explore my own value system.

It terns out that I value my family as the most important thing in my life, and I can totally see it from my own experiences.


I believe that my parents gave me the chance to live a life, and I would respect them no matter what. Just like I mentioned in my fifth week’s post Personal Adornment Reflection, I didn’t get a tattoo because my parents won’t let me to. I know for some people especially American people, they would not understand me. One of my American friends always tells me, do whatever you want to because this is your life. I can see why she said so because most of American people value personal value or freedom as their first thing in life. This difference shows how the culture affects people in a different way.

Future Goals

I noticed that there are still lots of areas that could be focused on in the topic of human values. I would like to see myself more clearly by focusing on other values I have. This ranking value method is also a very good way to explain why there are not exact same two people in the world because different people would have different values for sure. Lots of factors would affect the ranking of this list, and I think this is another area I want to go into. I feel like this topic is very wide and broad, but it never hurts to learn more or to explore more because this is what I want by taking this class. I could also connect this topic to other topics. For example, I can do a research to see the person who sees food as art has what value and believes, or the person who sees a blank piece of paper as art has what value and believes. I think that could be very interesting.


Wilber, K. (2001). The Web of Life. In Sex, Ecology, Spirituality: The Spirit of Evolution, Second Edition (2 Revised ed., pp. 11-39). Boston & London: Shambhala.


Table of  Contents

Main Page of Portfolio

Artifact 1: Life Values Assessment

Artifact 2: What Is Art For?

Artifact 3: Food As Art Research

Artifact 4: Adornment

Artifact 5: Horror

Artifact 6: Creative Spirituality

Artifact 7: Technology

Artifact 8: Public Art


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