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The objective of this portfolio is to show what I have done and learned through out the term so far. This is more like a gallery to demonstrate my work, and it is also a chance for other students to see and communicate using these works since we all had same topics to discuss. This portfolio also shows my understanding of the art world, and how I related this abstract world with my real life. For instance, I had seen art as an abstract thing since I known this word, but I felt I could reach it and discuss it based on each week’s topic after I read the reading assignments. I will use more examples and artifacts in this portfolio to give a better and deeper idea of what that means. And I will also provide the goals I have for each week’s objectives, and how would I reach these goals later on.

About Audience

The audience targets of this portfolio are students in class AAD 250 Fall 2014, Professor Huette, and potentially other blog readers outside of this class. I hope all people who reached this blog could see my learning trends and works through this portfolio. Of course I also welcome all kinds of comments from any audience. My primary goal to take this class was to broaden my horizon and widen my knowledge by learning from everyone.


Table of  Contents

Main Page of Portfolio

Artifact 1: Life Values Assessment

Artifact 2: What Is Art For?

Artifact 3: Food As Art Research

Artifact 4: Adornment

Artifact 5: Horror

Artifact 6: Creative Spirituality

Artifact 7: Technology

Artifact 8: Public Art


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