Tag Archives: sayings


Published on: Author: hayleigh@uoregon.edu

The story of Jesus is similar in many ways to ancient stories of virtuous men and biographies of the divine, however, the story of Jesus contains important distinctions from all other recordings. Although virtuous men were viewed as having a connection to divinity, shown through actions and words, the humility of Jesus amongst other now… Continue reading

Mark’s Miracles

Published on: Author: hstern@uoregon.edu

The author of the gospel of Mark depicts Jesus as a misunderstood messiah. Although he performs amazing and great miracles, the people of Jesus’ time, including his own 12 disciples, do not understand him. The author of Mark also notes that Jesus tells people not to speak of the miracles he performs, as to be… Continue reading


Published on: Author: nthomas2@uoregon.edu

When posing the question of how Mark’s story or interpretation of Jesus in his gospel confirms or denies whether or not Jesus was truly a divine man, there is much to consider.  You first must look at the characteristics Mark depicts Jesus with. You also must understand what it meant to be a wise man in… Continue reading