Gospel of Luke

Published on: Author: hstern@uoregon.edu

The Lukean narrative of Jesus’ life starts out with a proclamation by Elizabeth to Mary that she is pregnant with the son of god by immaculate conception. This opening is very different than that of the Gospel of Mark, which includes no birth narrative, in fact this section of Luke is entirely L material. Luke… Continue reading

Luke Narrative

Published on: Author: tmcmill4@uoregon.edu

First and foremost the audience that is intended to hear the Lukan narrative is the entire Greco-Roman world. There were many changes that the Lukan author takes on opposed to the Markan author. He helps shape the view of Jesus and Q for his audience. White explicitly states that the Lukan author changes the Markan… Continue reading

The Martyred Sage

Published on: Author: kierrar@uoregon.edu

Luke’s gospel is heavily designed around Jesus’ portrayal as both a Messianic prophet (White, 331), as well as a Martyred Sage. The reworking and repositioning of the sinful women’s anointing exemplifies this, in that Luke arranges the story to fall closely after the Sermon on the Plain- epitomizing or narrating much of the overall message… Continue reading