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Gospel of Luke

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The Lukean narrative of Jesus’ life starts out with a proclamation by Elizabeth to Mary that she is pregnant with the son of god by immaculate conception. This opening is very different than that of the Gospel of Mark, which includes no birth narrative, in fact this section of Luke is entirely L material. Luke… Continue reading

Mark’s Miracles

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The author of the gospel of Mark depicts Jesus as a misunderstood messiah. Although he performs amazing and great miracles, the people of Jesus’ time, including his own 12 disciples, do not understand him. The author of Mark also notes that Jesus tells people not to speak of the miracles he performs, as to be… Continue reading

Death and Resurrection

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There are many clues in this text (1 corinthians 15:3-7) that show that it is derived from oral tradition. White states that this passage uses something known as staccato parallelism; where every step in the sentences uses a single verb. For example “he died, he was raised, and he appeared.” This was a characteristic of oral… Continue reading