Death and Resurrection

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There are many clues in this text (1 corinthians 15:3-7) that show that it is derived from oral tradition. White states that this passage uses something known as staccato parallelism; where every step in the sentences uses a single verb. For example “he died, he was raised, and he appeared.” This was a characteristic of oral tradition at the time. In addition the use of patterns in the writing, especially repetition in threes was common for oral traditions at the time. Another aspect of this text that suggests its oral transmission is that it is almost a summery of what has happened and doesn’t go into much detail.This passage also relates back to old jewish scripture in Paul’s use of phrases like “for our sins” and “in accordance with the scriptures”, where this is a direct affiliation with jewish scriptures especially the greek Septuagint. Accordion to white, this might also be an illusion to Isaiah 53:4-6. I also must state that White points out that Paul uses many greek translations as his references, therefor accounting for some of his odd translations and word usage. Paul’s inclusion of Jesus making an appearance after resurrection to “five hundred brothers and sisters” and “james and all the apostles” is not included by the gospel authors, nor any other later christian texts. Later stories of Judas and the women finding the empty tomb are added to the narrative of Jesus, but they are not included in Paul’s letters. I believe that christians focused so heavily on the story telling of jesus’s death and resurrection because not only was it shocking and unbelievable, but it is the passion of christ that shows us his suffering and gets a way into peoples hearts. I also think that in accordance with all the name’s Jesus goes by such as “savior”,”son of man”,”son of god”,”divine”, the authors knew that there had to be a death and a resurrection, and all of the other parts of the narrative were added later to tie everything together. The fact that Paul includes statements of Jesus telling people to grab there cross and walk with him indicates not only a foreshadowing of events but also that Jesus died on the cross. The death and resurrection are the most key components to Jesus’s narrative.