ADD 610 (Winter Term) Learning Goals/Reflections

1.) Develop a better understanding of marketing strategies and how they can be applied to arts education.

I definitely enhanced my understanding of marketing strategies that are available to an arts education administrator, most notably in regard to guerilla marketing and community engagement.

2.) Explore the use of social media in marketing.

I developed a better understanding not only of the social media outlets that are available, but how they can be intertwined and strategically placed to optimize exposure. Learning about social media management tools like hootsuite were eye-opening.

3.) Create a marketing plan that can be used not only for arts organization re-branding but also for an entrepreneurial start-up.

The concepts and plan I developed for the Shedd are certainly applicable to an entrepreneurial start-up, particularly regarding community engagement.

4.) Explore guerilla marketing techniques.

My lexicon and marketing strategy essay explored guerilla marketing, my final marketing plan explored guerrilla tactics as well.

5.) Develop a better understanding of what marketing strategies are most effective for the Eugene area.

This was not addressed specifically, but from researching demographic data in the area I have an idea of how to market the Eugene community.