Funding for Native Artists: apply by Sept 30!

Published on: Author: Emily West Hartlerode 2 Comments

In partnership with the Craft Emergency Relief Fund (CERF+), Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museums (ATALM) is launching a dynamic six-month program that will empower, nurture, and celebrate 20 talented Native craft artists.For the purpose of this program, “craft artist” is defined as artists who create or reproduce handmade objects for sale and exhibition using a variety of techniques such as weaving, pottery, beadwork, needlework, jewelry making, and other forms.

Key Program Features:

  • Funding of $10,000 for each of the 20 chosen artists.
  • Tailored training sessions to enhance business practices, including the production of a business and marketing plan.
  • Access to a wealth of resources, including materials, workshops, and tools.
  • One-on-one coaching from artists with successful careers. Coaches will receive national recognition for their leadership and generosity.

Applications for Craft Artists and Coaches/Mentors are now open through September 30, 2023.  Accepted artists will be announced on October 26 at the ATALM conference. Questions may be directed to

As always, we are grateful for our partners and funders who make these life-changing programs possible. Thank you, CERF+ and the Ford and Windgate Foundations, for believing in the power of Native artists to foster creativity, preserve and advance cultural traditions, and ensure the longevity of Native craftsmanship.

2 Responses to Funding for Native Artists: apply by Sept 30! Comments (RSS) Comments (RSS)

  1. Funding for Native Artists. I am trying to decide whether or not to apply for this opportunity. I am uncertain what the project means. Is this project for those artists who seek to make money from the art they create. I do not seek to make money. My interest is to make art in the “traditional” way. I do not like the “modern” regalia used in the “pow wow” community. I want to bring back the art made and used by people like my great mother and grandmother. How would the classes and meetings proposed under this project help me with my goal?

    • Since OFN is not the funder, I cannot answer this with any authority. I suggest you email as soon as possible for clarity. I’m sure they can help. Best wishes on your application!

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