Hello all,
Due to the current political electricity in the air, this week’s blog post will be dedicated to what you, as a single American citizen, can do to change the political discussion surrounding climate change. What examples from the book can be referenced in order to make a change in your own life? How do politics and the environment relate, how about politics and scientific fact? Should our representatives be required to recognize scientific fact? Should a widely agreed upon scientific fact be above the realm of ideological debate?
Feel free to answer any one of these questions, or all of them! Best of luck,
Casey and Kim
In ENVS on Tuesday, we had a guest speaker who worked with Environmental Law. One thing that he said during his lecture struck me; “The environment is too important to leave to the government.” On one hand, I’ve heard a lot of talk about how one person can be a hero and really make an impact and that doesn’t seem very realistic to me. So I have recently heard more people say that we need more governmental involvement in order to get anywhere with this problem. I realized that each of these ideas is very black and white and that our guest speaker’s claim, combined with Professor Martin’s, is more accurate: The environment is too important to leave to the government” but anything that we do as individuals, or a government, is “necessary, but not sufficient.” I believe that many politicians are criticized nowadays for denying the existence of climate change and should therefore, accept it as fact like most of society has. I don’t really think that many laws and regulations should be put in place all at once because that would most likely result in culture shock and much resistance, however, something needs to be done. Therefore, I believe that in order to voluntarily evoke action from people, the issues of climate change and the poor state of our environment should become a subject that we involve in our lives more often. So maybe the solution is instead of starting with overwhelming laws and regulations that reflect the restrictions placed upon Colin and his family in The No Impact Man, we should work on eliminating the amount of distancing that is present in the United States. I would like to point out though, that sometimes priorities may be easily mixed up when there are so many of them to worry about.
This thought-provoking article delves into the complex relationship between individual actions, governmental involvement, and the environment. The author skillfully highlights the limitations of both extremes – relying solely on individual efforts or governmental intervention – and emphasizes the need for a balanced approach.
The guest speaker’s statement, “The environment is too important to leave to the government,” combined with Professor Martin’s perspective, encourages readers to recognize the significance of both individual actions and collective efforts. The author’s insightful analysis of the phrase “necessary, but not sufficient” demonstrates the importance of acknowledging the limitations of each approach.
The article also touches upon the critical issue of climate change denial among politicians and suggests a gradual, less disruptive approach to implementing environmental laws and regulations. By focusing on eliminating the distancing present in the United States and making environmental concerns more integrated into our daily lives, the author proposes a potential solution.
Overall, this article encourages readers to reflect on the intricate balance between individual actions, governmental involvement, and societal change in the pursuit of a more sustainable and environmentally conscious future.khalidelarbi———-business for sale
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Politics related to the environment and very important. New laws are crucial in order to help restore the environmental damage we have already done as a society. In ENVS 201, we’ve discussed how in today’s age, there is an emphasis on individuality and how each of us needs to do our part to be sustainable. However, as we are learning, the only way there will be any radical change is if the government implements new laws. That being said, it is also important that each individual takes steps in order to have less of an impact on the environment. Scientific facts should definitely be factored into politics. Climate change is becoming virtually impossible to ignore, and politicians should acknowledge how our world is changing.
As a single American citizen, one of the things I can do is vote. I actually did vote, for the first time ever, on some of the bills that were on this last ballot. Although none of the bills were related to climate change this time around, there will be future bills that individual citizens can vote for to make a difference. Even though voting is important, I don’t think it is enough. Citizens can play a role in getting bills written by bringing in issues and solutions and demanding change. Being a part of organizations that have a specific cause is a great way to get involved and help make a bigger difference. I think it is getting harder and harder for politics to ignore scientific fact, and I’m hoping we’re almost to the point where politicians will have to make some big changes for the better. To tackle the issue of climate change, we need everybody on the same page. It has to start with policy, and I believe we need incentives to push the economy to become green. People need to demand change. For people to do this, they need to be inspired. I think what Colin does in the book is a great way (even if it is extreme) to get people thinking about some of these issues. Although as an individual he might not save the planet just by changing his lifestyle, but by influencing others he has the potential to start real change.
As Kate mentioned, our guest speaker in ENVS on Tuesday made the claim that our environment is far too important to be left solely to the government. I interpreted this to mean that left up to the government and politics, the most economically beneficial outcome can be expected, regardless of the effect on the well-being of our planet.
I think that as far as politics relate to our environment, more regulations and policies should be enacted in order to better protect our land and resources. Our environment is precious – living on Earth is one thing that every single one of us has in common, and I think it’s ridiculous to not do our absolute best to preserve all that we have left. Additionally, I think that our politicians should be held accountable for accurately representing our scientific knowledge. I don’t believe that slanting or obscuring scientific facts for the sake of a political victory is fair to voters. Many people rely on these public figures to inform them and help them make the best decision possible; if the most widely circulated information isn’t actually correct, how can our general population be expected to know what is?
Politics and the environment relate because of the different enactments put upon to protect the environment. There need to be more laws put into place to protect and prosper the atmosphere that we live in. As Beavan stated “we can’t afford our entire economy to be based on the open-ended use of energy and material.” If we don’t take care of our environment, those materials will no longer be there. It is important for policies to be made about limiting the amount of resources we use, or finding alternative resources. Relating to what Sulley stated above, it truly is inspiring what Colin writes about because in order for people to want to make a change they have to be inspired. Hopefully his messages will open peoples’ eyes to the fact of our environment and encourage a spur of change.
Also, relating to previous talks in Professor Martin’s lectures, the interesting way politics and religion can all relate back to the environment stir many different oppositions. It is important that everyone understands the depletion of our environment to protect this world that we live on.
I being an American citizen, can use our power of speech and help educate the people around me about climate change and what is happening to our atmosphere. In class we talked about the concept of distancing and creeping normalcy and how not many people are not aware of our changing environment, I can help change that and inform people on the impact our fossil fuels and green house gases have on the environment. By educating people and telling them how much of a difference they can make and the government stating scientific facts more frequently on the news and making the people of America more aware will better our environment. The amount of waste consumption America has is outrageous and reading about Colin cutting down and using reusable materials and eating less packaged food could really lower the numbers of trash dumped into landfills. If every American could do the same, the amount of trash would lower tremendously and we would not have to worry about the overfilling of landfills.
With all of the crazy antics politicians go through to get their positions, they have begun to forget exactly why they ran or what they ran for. Sure, they may happen to be passionate on a few topics, but lately, climate change has been slowly pushed aside. Due to distancing of our nation from our messes and creeping normality, we as a nation tend to put ecological issues in the back of our minds because we think they don’t need the attention right away. We tend to focus on more “immediate” problems, like tax reform, gun control, or gay marriage. After sitting through all six weeks of our ENVS class, the environment has become a way more important issue to me than I would have ever imagined. It is time that both “sides” of our politicized nation come together to realize “whoever” caused these problems no longer matters. It’s too late to point fingers. It’s time we come together to recognize the fact that our planet is under serious pressure to support this population. Our consumerist ways are depleting the resources. Our nation does not need a new iPhone, we need a leader to bring in innovativeness and technology to produce a greener world. The only way that can happen is if all citizens participate. Just a few people in support of taking care of the Earth is not sufficient, but if everyone works together in some way, it can produce a greater change.
My career goal is to work for the United States government as a Diplomat or through the UN. Recently, though, I have been very turned off by this not only because of our stand-still Congress but the American people. In general, the American people complain about the government not getting anything accomplished then either don’t vote in an election or vote in the same people who produce the same outcome: nothing. Change can happen, but it starts with change in the people.
It is unacceptable that 97% of American believes in climate change, but those 3% that don’t get the same coverage as the overwhelming majority in media. This is a problem with how media runs society and how citizens let it happen. If representatives recognized ALL scientific facts, there would be no question that measures would be taken for reformation regarding the environment. Representatives—or anyone in the American culture—don’t argue with each other when a scientist says a certain kind of food can increase your chances of developing cancer. A person may not agree with what the scientist says, but there is no debate over this because if a scientist said it and has scientific evidence of it, it is fact.
I believe that being media literate really has something to do with why climate change is not being addressed in Congress. Because consumers are only watching one television news show or reading one newspaper, consumers believe what those two types of media are telling them without going out and doing their research on the actual topic. If more citizens were media literate, I believe that more citizens would be involved in protesting to change the policies regarding climate change and the environment, and Congress would have to act at that point.
I agree with many of your points, but I think it is important to recognized that scientific “facts” are not always fact and should definitely be questioned before believing. I say this because large corporations, for example Dupont, very often hire scientists to present their data in deceitful ways that may be taken as fact but shouldn’t. It’s vital to remember that not all “facts” nowadays are completely true, if they were, we might have less debate about more controversial subjects.
As how others have been mentioning, in our ENVS 201 we had a guest speaker in the beginning of this week. He kept on repeating over and over again was that we as citizens, doesn’t matter from what country, are the ones to actually stand up and help our environment. Our voices are strong enough to be heard and it’s very important that we give out our thoughts and give a response. We live on Earth and it’s our duty to stand up to it and keep it in a healthy state, since what happens ti the environment can later affect us. Politics have actually taken some part in the environment, For example President Theodore Roosevelt had made a national park. Also we have seen some past few presidents give a speech about helping with climate change or protecting the environment. But the problem is that they haven’t seen, or at least I haven’t seen a change happening. I also believe that scientific facts are very important and should be taken as advice instead of being ignored. These facts are our warning signs to let us know we need to focus on fixing a problem in our environment before it gets worse.
Politics related to the environment are some of the most important politics. In today’s times there is a big focus on the individual. As the guest speaker in environmental studies talked about the environment is too important to leave up to the government. Individuals must take action in order to get things done politically. One thing that I can do as an individual is vote, as I did yesterday. Though there was nothing on the bill related to the environment I know that there will be in the future and the way that I can make a difference is to vote. The problem is as an individual voting is not enough anymore. People have to get involved with organizations that are going to get bills passed and will actually make a difference. As individuals we need to make these issues known to our government or else nothing is ever going to change. We need to bring these environmental issues back to the main stage so that something is done about it. We need to get environmental laws passed because if we don’t our environment will not longer be here to support us.
Politics surrounding the environment are very important, although I am not big into politics, I know information regarding the environment is very meaningful. We in an environment so, we as Americans need to learn to live in it and make sure it is a clean and healthy place to live. In class on Tuesday a guest speaker involved in environmental law came in and spoke about the impact the government has on the environment. We are the people who live there so we have to make sure our voices are heard and not let the government make decisions regarding the places we choose live in. With that being said we as citizens need to speak up and have a voice about the places we reside in.
The environment is an issue far too important to be left solely in the hands of the government however, it is much too large to be handled at the individual level. While individual choices are necessary on the road to helping reverse the damage done to the Earth, this cannot be achieved without the influence of governments around the globe. As a citizen one of the most important things we can do in this regard is to vote and pass environmentally friendly legislation and for candidates who want to push these issues to the forefront of our political agenda. Candidates and elected officials should be forced to recognize that climate change is a scientific fact. Their denial of this issue only further keeps many Americans in the dark about the dire situation. These scientifically supported facts should be above debate, any elected official who does not believe in climate change is either not smart enough to be holding office or is being paid or endorsed by those profiting off of the misuse of resources. As a citizen, voting for major environmental change is extremely important, however the choices made in everyday life are also key to making a difference. While the average citizen doesn’t need to be as extreme as Colin (though it definitely would not hurt) but, can learn greatly from his fight. Reducing waste is a key action in cleaning up your personal footprint. Though this cannot be solved in a day or a year progress must be made on the everyday level as well as the government level to make a difference
Colin got a lot of publicity while doing his No Impact Man project which I believe helped him make political change by opening up many people’s eyes to the consequences of our actions. Therefore while voting some people might take a second to think about how it effects the environment, not just themselves.
I believe that the power is in the people, and the government, which is what the speaker in ENVS told us over and over, as others have mentioned. Without participation from the citizens, we cannot change the course of our current destruction of the planet. The government will not change laws, and enforce bills, unless the people stand by it and fight it. Without the government there is no one enforcing the laws to help the environment, and no one controlling the industry that heavily impacts our Earth. Many people are so focused on who to blame, and trying to put responsibility on the individual, or the government, or the big corporations. Instead of coming together and really making a change, because to make any difference, there needs to be participation coming from all sides of the spectrum. And as college students we get to vote, inform ourselves, and help educate others.
Political impact can have a tremendous effect on the environment because politicians control many of the environmental policies. It is up to us a citizens to vote in hopes of passing environmental friendly laws. Politics also bring environmental issues to people’s attention. As individuals we have a lot of power, but not enough to be heard alone. We must all vote and work together to ensure that we are heard and to show that we do make a difference. The government is also very important as they pass and change laws that will ultimately benefit the planet. air is our job to make sure the government hears what we want and what we have to say. It is a team job. A agree with George that we should not only vote but also need to take physical action to help the environment. Personally, I know that it is easy to sit back and think that the government will do whats right, but everyone must take action. I also believe I can have a big impact by continuing to educate myself on these subject and matters, while teaching my friends, family, and more about environmental impact and how they can get involved in reducing it.
politics and science have been butting heads since the begging of the creation of both. Politics is really just all about power while science is based on pure knowledge and fact. Today one of the biggest problems with the two is the refusal for some politicians to admit that global warming is a real thing. many right wing republicans refuse to admit this. Because of this passing environmental legislature becomes very challenging. An example of something being passed would be the banning of plastic bags in my hometown manhattan beach california. We were one of the first cities to do this. Politics and Science are always going to butt heads sometimes though you just have to look at the facts
Environmental issues are often touched on lightly by politicians, but are never fully recognized as one of the most pressing global matters. This is not to say, however, that no politicians focus solely on the environment. In fact, many candidates on the Oregon ballot this year were running for alternative parties, such as the Green Party. The issue here is that these people have very little funding and are therefore invisible in the race that often narrows early on to follow the top-two candidates.
Republicans and democrats should both have interest in preserving the environment. While environmentalism is generally viewed as a leftist movement, it should instead be viewed as a movement necessary for all human progression. There seems to be a stigma surrounding environmentalism that marks it as the modern ‘hippie-movement’. Speaking from an independent-conservative point of view, I can say that not everyone who cares about the earth is wearing Birkenstocks and smoking ganja in our hammocks. If we achieve a better overall understanding of the environment, more people from all walks of life will be able to accept it as a valuable viewpoint and priority. An example of this is when an Evangelical pastor in Boise, Idaho came forward to his church in attempts to shift the mindset towards environmentalism. Though religious values have conflicted with environmental values in the past, the pastor interpreted parts of the Bible in a way that would communicate positively the issues of environmentalism to the churchgoers. We can apply this method in politics by presenting green economic proposals to the ultra-right-wingers. Environmentalism is generally already valued amongst left-wingers.
Some say that environmental issues should not be left up to the government. This is a valid point; politicians are oftentimes invested mentally and financially in matters that may affect them or others more directly (for example, healthcare, education and immigration). While our government cannot be expected to take on climate change entirely on its own, it should still claim responsibility to enact laws and regulations around the subject just like it does with every other global issue. The government needs to take control of the issues that are out of our hands. For example, reducing taxes would promote spending, so people would be more able and willing to spend their money on local goods and services rather than on cheap products from far away. Better spending of our taxes could help as well. For example, instead of having large social security funds, we could lessen some of those (such as Welfare) and instead invest in green technologies and energies, thus creating more jobs and a lessened need for Welfare. Government should also push for required environmental studies courses in K-12 public schools. Many people are simply unaware of the weight environmental issues carry.
Citizens can take action in many ways! Colin took action by filming a documentary and writing a book detailing the failures and triumphs of living a life of zero impact. Publicity is an easy way to get the word out. Local communities can follow Bellingham, Washington’s example and copy their Local First campaign, which has resulted in 58% of the population in that city localizing their purchases.
Politics and the environment are heavily related whether one recognizes it or not. This week we have been learning about environmental laws and policies regarding the environment. Today in class, Professor Martin mentioned how America is very good at regulating laws once created, but take a very long time to start the law itself. In other countries, it is often opposite – fast to put laws in action, but bad at regulating laws.
As an individual citizen, I can influence the relation between politics and environment by voting. I did not vote this year yet because I am still 17. I am looking forward to the following voting seasons so I have a say. I also think it is a good sign that some issues have been recognized, such as the GMO issue. With the help of politics, eager citizens, and new laws, I believe that the environment can recover.
I think the environment and politics relate and that Politics has a strong influence on the environment. I do believe the individuals should have the right to say what happens to the environment and we should be the ones in control. Unfortunately with the downward spiral of the environment in the last few years such as global warming rising, deforestation, and the constant use of fossil fuels, the government has taken a huge role in attempting to take care of the environment. Yes, I do agree with the speaker who spoke on Tuesday in ENVS 201 when he said that no matter where anyone is from, they have the right to benefit the environment. He stressed individual matters over the government, which is how it should be. Considering the fact the environment is becoming no better in the government’s hands.
However, many people turn to the government to find out information and what to do next. I think the next step for us as citizens is to continue to educate ourselves about current events and also keeping others informed so maybe citizens will be educated enough to make their own decisions. It may be possible for one day it will be more our responsibility of taking care of the environment instead of relying heavily on the government who may or may not do what the majority of citizens want.
The main thing an American Citizen, like me, can do to change the political discussion surrounding climate change is either by making something big and getting a community together to help or by simply voting. Voting can make a huge impact because it shows what is popular and what people believe would be better not just for them, but for everyone around them.Even as we talk about politics and science, a lot of people will begin to agree and disagree in certain areas. A major problem that is going on right now is the idea of global warming. People are entirely sure if it is true, but so much money is being put into different eco-friendly products which the government is a part of, which ties it into being associated with the environment. In government, it would nice to have representatives who not only care about the needs of the people, but also the needs of nature.
Politics and the environment both have an effect on each other and relate to one another. With global warming and other environmental issues becoming greater everyday, the government has the ability to make nationwide changes that could drastically benefit our Earth. Although they have this ability, the government tends to focus more on other things they see as more important due to the fact that the worst of environmental problems aren’t directly effecting them. Since this is the case, people are left to having to try to “save the Earth” on their own when in reality no progress will really be made unless the world as a whole finds a way to save the Earth together.
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