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Being into the stories. Or being the story itself. It’s a tough choice but also the best way to feel a story and make people empathize with it. Fabrizio Gatti knows how to do so. He is an Italian investigative journalist and author who has chosen to live almost all the stories he wants to […]
“Fortress Europe” is his website. He defines himself a traveler, writer, blogger and indipendent journalist from Tuscany. Gabriele Del Grande, 35 years old, founded his blog in 2006 to tell “Le storie che fanno la storia”, the stories that make history. The website is an Observatory on the victims of the borders, a diary that […]
Nike “Find your greatness” campaign appears on social media and digital channels on July 25 of 2012, supported by a YouTube homepage promotion the day after. It’s a powerful inspirational message that goes beyond sport. It seeks to inspire people who strive to excel on their own terms, to realize personal goals and achieve their moment […]