by Lathen Gorbett

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My 37th Birthday in 1 Minute (Not Including Home) With every assignment in school I try to use it as an opportunity to try a new multimedia style that I am interested in pursuing. I have been meaning to try and see if I can take a camera with me on an average day, and record and edit something cohesive. This is a style that a lot of online personalities use that I want to play around with. I certainly didn't do anything impressive here, but with what little footage I had to work with, given that the assignment was a 1 minute piece driven by visuals and trying to make it happen in one day where I had a busy schedule, it was at least fun. #uommjvizpoem #uosojc #lifeasajstudent @oregoncandyfarm This isn't the project I can for today FYI 🙂

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