Women in cars talking trash

SaloĢn Royale from sebastian gallo on Vimeo. What a cool film! At first glance, it looks rather simple but when you begin to dissect...

Toys of War: How Symbolism Interplays With Story Structure

This story tells the experiences of civilian children who had to flee across the border from the Nuba Mountains of Sudan, to the border...

The “Windows” to Subtle Reenactment: a Tension Building Tool

WINDOWS (Dir. Peter Greenaway, 1974) from CAJ on Vimeo. I watched Windows by Peter Greenway. The focus of this piece is simple: people that...
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Spoiler Alert: The Jinx liveblog

Over the past few weeks I’ve heard rumblings of some cool HBO documentary called “The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst.” Last...

Every Tool in the Toolbox: “As I Am”

This intriguing tone poem, “As I Am,” is part of a package, “Memphis Poverty: What Obama Didn’t See,” by Alan Spearman and Memphis daily...
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Sped Up and Slowed Down

A classic music video technique is when the director plays the song at double speed, and has the band sing along at that high...

Interview: Elizabeth Lo, director of “Hotel 22”

As cohorters might recall, we screened the short documentary “Hotel 22” in class. The piece documents a night on Line 22, a bus route...

Net Cafe Refugees: How To End a Piece With No Ending

Japan’s Disposal Workers: Net Cafe Refugees from MediaStorm on Vimeo. I liked how this piece exuded tension, and the resolve it eventually came to....

What’s on your phone?

Every month it becomes easier to stay informed and capture news on a smartphone. There are thousands, if not millions of apps to choose...

Stoned Moms – Breathless Storytelling

  As I round the corner for final edits on my own report on a story about Marijuana, I thought it would make sense...

A Brooklyn Hustler

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uI0c5EJ-s0o&spfreload=10 The filmmaker here uses a number of techniques here so...