Art, Games, and Technology Research

The primary thesis stated in Jones’ article, “Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins”, is “new forms of art and technology are frequently cast in the mode of old forms, just as other aspects of material and symbolic culture have been” (Jones 21). Jones is saying that the quality of computer graphics will build on itself and continue to get better. The functions and realistic graphics will improve constantly.

Jones provided many examples of historical examples to illustrate her thesis. One specifically, about how the papyrus columns built in Egypt were inspirations for the stone columns of ancient Egyptian architecture. This instance depicts how people build on success. The builders of the columns had derived previous ideas into creating something better, stronger and generally with more support. This is just an early example about how people have a progressive nature.

One Specific example in today’s society to support Jones’ thesis of work is the continuous development and progression of computers. “Generally speaking, computers can be classified into three generations” (Steitz, Beverly). Each generation lasted for a certain period of
 time, and each provided us either a new and improved computer or an improvement to the existing computer. “The invention of integrated circuit brought us the third generation of computers” (Steitz, Beverly). This new integration has allowed computers to become smaller, more powerful more reliable and they are able to run several programs at the same time. When the Microsoft Disk Operating System was born, it introduced the personal computer (PC) for home and office use. Soon after, Apple provided us the Macintosh computer with its icon driven system and then Microsoft worked to create the Windows operating system. Both systems have worked As a result of the various improvements to the development of the computer we have seen the computer being used in all areas of life. It is a very useful tool that will continue to experience new development as time passes.

Steitz, Beverly. “A Brief Computer History.” Boston University Education. Boston University, 2009. Web. 1 Mar. 2014.<>.

Art, Games, and Tech Discussion

After watching, Gaming can make a better world: Jane McGonigal on, I am convinced that people can develop better develop ideas on how to save the world by playing online games and becoming “gamers”. Jane talks about how gamers are virtuoso at four things in the gaming world, which could be crucial to make this world a better place if people apply them to real world life instead of the virtual world. She states that because gamers spend so much time, “over 5 million people spend an hour a day,” playing games, they are experts at “urgent optimism, social fabric, blissful productivity and epic meaning.” These four things are associated in the gaming world because people who play games create a positive outlook on the competition between each other. They develop a quick thinking process because they are indeed practicing hard work. Jane states that, “humans are happiest when working hard; not sitting around and doing nothing. Gamers are movers!” My question is, do you believe that gaming and the mindset that it develops, could become a positive technique in order to help create a better world?

“What is Art For?” Essay

The term called ”paleoanthropsychobiological” was coined by writer, Ellen Dissanayake, of the article, “What is Art For?”. She depicts that this term has multiple meanings. The first meaning is that all human history is included in art. The second meaning is that all human societies are involved, and thirdly she suggests that art is a psychological/emotional need and provides psychological and/or emotional effects. These three meanings have developed and grown over the years into our complex human nature. Art can dwell an emotional attachment within us and give rise to our own spiritual or physical meanings.

The 14th century, also known as the medieval times, where “…art were in the service of religion” (16). Art was similar during the progression era however, more man-centered representations were accepted as art and people viewed art as truth beauty and excellence.

A second theory that Ellen describes is Modernism, which occured during the 18th century. People turned to the subject ‘aesthetics’, which envelopes the “taste and beauty that govern all the arts…” (17). People did not find attraction to this method because art was becoming a focal point. Thinkers and theorists felt the need to explain the means and ends revealing the core nature in art.

Postmodernism is another theory, where art was recognized as ‘high art’. This era occurred in the mid-20th century. People believed their art was meant for the well educated and wealth of their culture. They felt art was the truth to all meaning (19).