Life Values Assessment

In the list of 20 values, I considered each value listed to take part in my life on different levels. I added two values to the list, one is faith and the other is love. Because of my childhood background with Christianity and a strong practicing belief in God, these values are my top two out of all. Faith and love have been instilled in me by my parents because they have shown and taught these values to me by example. I may not remember every word that they have taught me, yet I will always remember their attitudes and behaviors towards these values.

The other three values are last, but not least: integrity, family/friendships and enjoyment. My days consist of early morning practice, nap, classes, and homework. It’s a rinse and repeat routine. The routine becomes tedious quickly and my mind always wants to find ways to make my days easier or I even feel tempted to skip over certain obligations such as studying just so I can sleep. This is where my value of integrity reminds my daily activities that I need to persevere and keep my soundness of character. There is always a voice in the back of my head that says, “what are you doing while no one is watching?” More often than not, I shrug off this question and act selfishly instead of with honesty and integrity. It is one of my goals to become someone who has great integrity. To have integrity develops healthy relationships with one’s family and friends, and it is important to have relationships because that’s what humans were made for–to live and enjoy life together; not alone. Life is meant to be lived and not dreaded everyday, so with whatever activity I do, I do my best to find the positives so that I can enjoy the moments. I often fail to point out more negatives than positives, but yet again, these top 5 values (faith, love, integrity, family/friends and enjoyment) are values that one cannot live without. Therefore, it is my life goal to become a woman to reflects these values to my best ability.

Top 20 Values-Stage 1
Top 20 Values-Stage 1

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University of Oregon Women's Lacrosse #8

One thought on “Life Values Assessment”

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