Public Presentations Scheduled

Dear Colleagues,

The UO Libraries needs your help in reviewing options for a learning management system.  The UO has been a Blackboard site since 1999, and our current contract expires in March 2015. There are several alternatives on the market, both commercial and open source, that should be reviewed to determine how well they align with campus instructional needs.

A request for information (RFI) has gone out to vendors, inviting them to demonstrate their products at public presentations on campus.

Five vendors have been scheduled. Faculty are encouraged to attend and provide feedback to the selection committee.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013, 3:00-4:30 p.m.
Knight Library, Room 101
Blackboard (  (advanced version)

Friday, May 31, 2013, 9:30-11:00 a.m.
Knight Library, Room 101
Longsight/Sakai (

Wednesday, June 5, 2013, 3:00-4:30 p.m.
Knight Library, Room 101
Desire2Learn (

Friday, June 7, 9:30-11:00 a.m.
Knight Library, Room 101
Canvas (by Instructure,

Wednesday, June 12, 3:00-4:30 p.m.
Knight Library, Room 101
Oba (


Following the presentations, comments may be submitted to the LMS Review blog at Additional information on the review process is also available on the blog. Videos of the product demonstrations will be posted there for those unable to attend in person.

Please mark your calendars now to attend these sessions. For more information on the review, contact Helen Chu, director of academic technologies,, 541-346-1235.

Thank you!

Deborah A. Carver
Chair,  LMS Review Committee
UO Libraries
University of Oregon

LMS Request for Information Posted

The University of Oregon is issuing a Request for Information (RFI) for the purpose of gathering information about enterprise-wide learning management systems (LMS).

The task force is interested in considering all options including open-source or proprietary software, and hosted or non-hosted systems. University is issuing this RFI to expand campus knowledge and understanding of the marketplace in preparation for a possible procurement.

The RFI is available on the Oregon University System Web site:

Review Timeline Available

The LMS Task Force is committed to making the best choice for UO faculty and students possible, including planning for sufficient time for a system migration should that become necessary. With that in mind, we have developed a very aggressive timeline for the review and selection process. This timeline is a working document and time frames are subject to change.

Welcome to the Learning Management Systems Review

The University of Oregon is investigating enterprise wide learning management systems (LMS) to support teaching and learning.  The UO has been a Blackboard campus since 1999.  Since that time, the number of platforms, both licensed and open source, has expanded.   Our community is also more experienced in using technology to support instruction, and faculty have new requirements and expectations. The process to  determine our requirements, test various products, and select an LMS for the future will take place over the next several months.  Our current Blackboard license expires in March, 2015.  The task force members welcome your input throughout the process