Spring Pilot Update – May 2014

The initiative to review Blackboard and other Learning Management Systems (LMS) as part of a formal procurement process continues to move forward. Following extensive testing of five LMSs this winter, the task force has selected two platforms for further testing spring term: Canvas and Sakai. These two platforms are being tested in 24 credit courses from across the curriculum. We are gathering feedback from nearly 2,000 students, 24 faculty, 38 GTFs, and library and IT staff through user surveys, usability studies, and focus groups.

All five platforms (Blackboard, Canvas, Desire2Learn, Oba and Sakai) are still under consideration.

The Task Force will reconvene in late June, after spring term grades are submitted and assessment data are analyzed. Based on the Task Force recommendation, we will conduct further assessment for technical feasibility, ease of integrations with systems like Banner, etc., policy implications. We will also conduct off-list reference checks with comparable institutions. The Task Force anticipates making a final recommendation by fall, if not earlier.

Special thanks to our spring term faculty colleagues and students who are pilot testing.


Update to the UO Senate, May 13, 2014:
