This course has been an interesting experience for me this term. I feel as though I now have a much deeper understanding within the marketing field, but also feel as though I have so much more to understand. The skills that I learning in fall term were very valuable, and have proven to be an asset to the rest of my education. This winter term has also proven to be a valuable experience for me, as I am finding that I am becoming more and more engaged with the marketing field.
When I entered this program, I chose Museum Studies as my concentration. However, as the terms have progressed, I’m finding that I am less passionate about the world of museum studies (in the forms that I had traditionally thought I was passionate about) and more interested in the marketing, PR, and promotional efforts for museums. The knowledge that I learned throughout this term has offered me a deeper look into what marketing can entail, and how it is applicable to a wide variety of art organizations. I feel as though I have only seen a small segment of what this field has to offer, but I look forward to learning more as this program progresses.