Classrooms are set for physical distancing

  • Classrooms have been reconfigured to provide a minimum of six feet of physical distance between seats; a new seat count has been recorded with the Registrar’s office.  
  • In classrooms with mobile furniture, a 10-inch floor sticker indicates proper seat location, and in theater-style lecture rooms, seats are locked with zip ties to ensure that occupy-able seats are spaced appropriately. 
  • Lecterns in many classrooms have been upgraded with plexiglass shields and enhanced AV to better support remote instruction.  

Cleaning & sanitizing

  • Scheduled classrooms will be cleaned and disinfected daily. Cleaning will include emptying trash, cleaning floors, and striating furniture. After the room is cleaned it will be disinfected using an electrostatic sprayer. All surfaces including tables, chairs, podium, and AV equipment that is out in the open will get disinfected by the sprayer. 
  • Additionally, each of these rooms has been provided with cleaning wipes to allow users to clean the space they are using. Custodial will be checking and stocking those wipes as needed.   
  • If you arrive to find the foam covering on the mic  in the room, those can be removed with the understanding that there is a slight degradation in audio quality. Also, wipes can be used sparingly on mics lightly on the surface (we don’t want to soak/saturate them). Crestron touch panels are meant to be cleaned with 70% Isopropyl alcohol only (other wipes could damage the touch screens).  

Setting expectations

Face to face instructors will want to include a syllabus statement like:

UO COVID-19 Regulations
The University of Oregon (UO), in accordance with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control, Oregon Health Authority, and Lane County Public Health requires faculty, staff, students, visitors, and vendors across all UO locations to use face coverings, which include masks (note: masks with exhaust valves and face shields alone are discouraged) and cloth face coverings when in UO owned, leased, or controlled buildings. This includes classrooms. Please correctly wear a suitable face covering during class. Students unable to wear face coverings can work with the Accessible Education Center to find a reasonable accommodation. Students refusing to wear a face covering will be asked to leave the class.

Students should maintain 6 ft. distance from others at all times. Classrooms tables and seats have been marked to accommodate this distance. Please do not move any furniture in the classroom or sit in areas that have been blocked off or otherwise marked as unavailable.

Students should obtain wipes available outside of classrooms before they enter class and use them to wipe down the table and seat they will use.

See for more information.

Face coverings 

If a student is not wearing a face covering, instructors are asked to take a “remind, ask, provide resources” approach: “From a safe distance (more than six feet), 
remind the student that UO policy requires campus community members to wear face coverings. Then ask the student to put on a face covering. If they do not have a face covering, provideone from the supply of masks that have been stocked in all classrooms that will have in-person instruction. 

Detailed advice on enacting face covering policy is available here.  

Reports about COVID-related behavioral concerns may be made using this form.  

Exposure scenarios    

If a student let you know they’ve tested positive for COVID, both you and the student should contact the Corona Corps Care Team at 541-346-2292 or for additional guidance and resources.

You can review detailed guidance here on how to deal with a range of exposure scenarios.

You can use these slides in class to make sure your students know what to do if they test positive and how the Corona Corps can help.

Student hours

Faculty and GEs should consider holding student hours outside their offices in spaces where it’s easier to maintain social distancing. Remote office hours on Zoom may be the best option. 

Attendance policies
Academic Council provides the essential guidance on this issue, including: 

  • It is critical that all instructors make clear to students that they should not attend class if they are ill or have symptoms. We do not want students attending class because they fear their grade will be affected.  
  • Instructors may count attendance and participation as part of the grade provided they have reasonable ways for students to complete make-up assignments for missed class sessions or participation points without loss of credit. 
  • Instructors shall not ask students for doctor’s notes or other documentation to verify absences. Instructors shall have clear communication and make-up protocols in place for students to follow if students are going to be or have been absent. If a student is missing enough classes that make-ups will be difficult and they are at risk of not passing, instructors should communicate with those students and enlist advisors for help.