If a student isn’t engaging in class, or their participation drops off, please reach out to them directly to convey care and concern.

You can use Canvas “New Analytics” to see summaries of student grades and weekly activity and use it to reach out to students directly.

Within your Canvas home page, select “New Analytics”

You can select Course Grade, Weekly Online Activity, or Student summaries to view overall class engagement or type in a specific student or assignment name to see more specific information.

Within the Course Grade tab you can see the class’ average grade for each assignment. By clicking on any data point, you can see the distribution of grades and how many students have assignments that are missing or late.

You can easily reach out to students directly by selecting the mail icon to send an email message to students who have a missing or late assignment or scored within a specific range.

For example:

“Hello, This is a reminder that you have not submitted your week 1 assignment for our course. The assignment was due on Saturday but please take the opportunity to turn it in late so you can still benefit from engaging with this content and receive (full or partial) credit. Hope you are doing okay! If you have questions or need more support in this class please email me or drop by my office hours at 3pm each Thursday.”

To help you identify students who may be struggling or not engaging with the course you can use the Student tab. Sort students by total course Grade, % of assignments turned in on time, Last participation in the course, and Last Page View:

Again, you can select the mail icon to message individual students or groups of students based on their engagement so far.

You can also email students based on assignment performance in the Canvas grade book.

You can also use Panopto session “Stats” to understand viewer engagement with your recorded videos.


Refer students to the support they need.

If a student is unresponsive or needs academic support, please notify the Office of Academic Advising at uoadvising@uoregon.edu and an advisor will provide further outreach. If you have reason to be acutely anxious about a student’s wellbeing, please submit a student care form at: https://dos.uoregon.edu/concern.

The Remote Resources for Students site links to support, wellbeing, and engagement opportunities. For example, connecting students to loaner laptops, low-cost and free internet access, and Counseling Center support.