© 2013 Jordan Johnson

Leadership Development Plan

Through reading the two articles and taking the self-assessment I discovered, to me, surprising weak points. I scored lowest in both Modeling the Way and Encouraging the Heart, two areas that I thought myself strongest. But with further reflection, I would have to agree with the results. In team and professional situations I often find myself getting frustrated and falling into a pattern of silent resentment for my peers, inevitably losing my own enthusiasm for projects which spills over to the way I treat them. I also don’t take enough time to recognize people for their accomplishments after we have completed a project, typically after I’ve completed a project I tend to focus on moving forward. I did realize that I do have other strengths though. Through being a goal oriented person, as well as a spokesperson for the UO, I’m very good at defining and selling my vision of what the future of anything I’m working on to whomever. Along with that, I really encourage discussion and critiques from those around me and I’m not afraid to change gears based upon the feedback that I receive.


Action Plan 1

  1. For my first action plan I want to focus on “Modeling the Way” Too often I find myself blaming others inadequacies or mistakes for my own shortcomings at times. I rarely jump in right away to volunteer for a project and can become silent and moody during group work because I feel as though my opinion is not being heard.
  2. I want to be the person that people can count on to not only have thing done the correct way but also who wanted them done that way. I want to be a part of the team, shaping the trajectory of the group, not just an occasional contributor, afraid of the reaction my opinions might spark.
  3. The actions I plan to implement are to consistently give my opinion, whether I believe that opinion might incur more group work time or that it’s a silly observation that was self-evident. I also will seek feedback from my peers as to whether we have reached a consensus on actions values and goals. I also want to maintain consistent contact with every member, never ignoring a text or e-mail because I’m “too busy”.
  4. Progress will be measured through my own involvement and personal connection with the team. If I’m feeling alienated or misunderstood by the group I should physically outline my personal goals and values I wish to see accomplished and connect those with what we as a team have outlined and communicate any disparities I find with my teammates. Also, if I’m having trouble consistently communicating with my group, I will adjust by making sure to immediately reply rather than procrastinating.


Action Plan 2

  1. For emotional intelligence, I want to focus on self-management. Typically, I think of myself as encouraging, thoughtful and a good listener but I allow myself to go down a destructive thought process when I make assumptions or take offence to what someone might be communicating to me.
  2. I want to be able to put my personal feelings aside and be able to what someone is actually communicating to me beyond how I might perceive that information.
  3. To attain this, I want to stop my personal assumptions about that person, and actually ask what their intentions, message, or methodology behind what they’re saying is.
  4. I will measure progress through writing notes during and after conversations/lectures/group work and be sure to have all questions as well as follow up questions answered, hopefully creating a more collaborative environment where we feel more mutually understood. 

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