Organization Questions #2

1-    What is your organization or company. Give background history including whom, when, and why it was founded.

My Organization’s name is Lady Bluntt. Lady Bluntt is a Jazz band from Bend, Oregon, which was formed by four students of OSU-Cascades who got together wishing to play old forgotten songs. By giving the songs a modern sound, they are promoting at the same time some musical history of the American continent. The Organization was founded 2 years ago, and it plans to expand and be a known band in the State of Oregon.

2-    What do they do or make – describe the products and services and what makes them unique.

Lady Bluntt is a band which is primarily characteristic is the diversity in the music they play. The play genres and styles from all over the world, in different styles, and in different languages including Spanish, German, Portuguese, Italian, and English. In addition, they have sets of instrumental songs, which mixed with songs with vocals gives Lady Bluntt a vast range of audiences.

3-    Describe the culture of the organization or company. What is the work environment like – the atmosphere? What is the building like – exterior/interior, architecture, fittings and furniture? How do the employees work together? What are the jobs and roles of individuals? How does management treat them?

The cultural surrounding of the organization is very diverse; there are people from different ethnicities and background sharing an experience through music; everyone wants to contribute their knowledge and capability into the work, and is visible in the interactions of members and their work. All of the members have an interest in exploring new themes and genres, better the quality of the work, and also of expanding the capabilities individual members working in the organization. Internally, the work environment is usually very intense, since everyone is very good at what they do maintaining always a high standard of performance. Lady Bluntt meets and works at their studio “The Bluntt House”, which was constructed in one of the member’s garage; the infrastructure is 16 by 20, and it fits a drum set, music equipment which includes guitars, basses, microphones, dozens of cables, many guitar-voice-bass amplifiers, 8 chairs (for members and friends), a working/pool table, extension chords, and many ashtrays. Lady Bluntt is equally owned by 4 members, all of which have also administrative positions within the organization, as well as different roles within the band. The musical director and manager is also the bass player; the artistic coordinator and marketing director is the also the singer and graphic designer; content management is one of the rhythm and lead guitarist; the other guitarist is also the outreach and coordinator of the organization; and finally, the drummer. The band meets once a week for practice and administrative meeting; each session lasts between 3 to 4 hours.

4-    Who is the targeted audience? What are their demographics?

The targeted audience of this organization is people that like good music and diversity; the organization usually targets an audience of people over 45 years old, and with refined taste for live performance. Despite the selected audience this organization primarily tries to reach, Lady Bluntt is aware of the rapid changes in demographics, and it is adapts fast. A clearer, more powerful, and modern sound, the young age of the band members in the genre in which they perform (25 to 36), and the use of modern communication channels, and social networks are making this organization more appealing to a younger audience, exposing them in most cases to this art style for the first time.

5-    What is the organization or company mission statement?

To spread good quality, fine world music in Oregon.

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