5 Ways to Get Active Without Going to the Rec!

Sometimes getting exercise can be a really intimidating task or seem like a chore; especially with the busy schedule of a college student where even finding the time to walk to the Rec, let alone workout, is a fear in itself. The good news is that getting active doesn’t need to take up a ton of your precious time, and you don’t even need to head to the Student Rec Center to get your heart pumping.

Here are five ways to get active without going to the Rec Center or gym:

1. Go for a run.

Running is an excellent way to get a cardio workout! Even better, you can run almost anywhere. It is a great way to see new surroundings and become familiar with your area.

2. Have a dance party.

Dancing is a super fun way to get active! You could find a JustDance video on the internet and invite some friends over or have an impromptu dance break between studying to de-stress.

3. Go for a walk.

As a college student, you probably do a lot more walking than you realize just getting from class to class. If you want to be more intentional with your walks, think about a space on campus or in Eugene in walking distance that you have never seen and go exploring! If you are strapped for time, walks can also be a great way to catch up with a friend while fitting in some exercise.

4. Clean your home.

Chores may not be the most enjoyable form of exercise, but you can actually get a pretty good workout by just cleaning your home. Plus you can cross two things off your to-do list!

5. Exercise videos on YouTube.

If you don’t have the time, access, or desire to go to the gym the internet can be a great resource. There are many channels on YouTube devoted exclusively to exercising and nutrition, and you can find videos specific to the kind of exercise you want to do. If you need motivation, ask a friend or roommate to be exercise buddies with you and you can workout together. You can even workout with a friend over the phone!




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