
Hedda R. Schmidtke

May 30, 2019
by hedda@uoregon.edu

Paper accepted at BICA

The TextMap General Purpose Visualization System appears in the proceedings of Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2019 (Springer) and a BICA Special Issue (Elsevier).

May 26, 2019
by hedda@uoregon.edu


I am leaving the University of Oregon at the end of the Spring 2019 term.

For contact please use: hedda.schmidtke@gmail.com

August 3, 2018
by hedda@uoregon.edu

Paper: An approach for safer navigation under severe hurricane damage.

A paper by Mohammad Eshghi and me on leveraging wireless sensor networks to allow municipalities to provide smartphone navigation services even when internet access, cell phone networks, and even electricity are no longer available. The simulated system allows users not only to reach their goal but most importantly to get there safely avoiding flooded areas and dangerous detours. We estimated a cost of only $12 per sensor node. Sensor nodes are to be installed in the streetlights in the area to be covered. Being installed in streetlights, there is no maintenance cost for battery exchanges.


June 1, 2018
by hedda@uoregon.edu

Paper: “Is the Internet Spatial?”

Is the Internet Spatial? Given that electronic signals travel at the speed of light, spatial distance on the internet should play a negligible role. However, the economic success and importance of content distribution networks suggests otherwise.
A paper reporting on an experiment to answer this question is being published in the Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments. The answer is “yes”, opening new perspectives towards solutions simplifying and unifying a range of protocols.


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