Site Plan information

Site Plan information

Top image is recent Williams and Dame developers master plan.   Previous City of Eugene and Rowell Brokaw Architects master plan  

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Freeway underpasses are more than just dark empty spaces

Freeway underpasses are more than just dark empty spaces

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Better Abalos text

Better Abalos text

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***Assignment for Thursday and beyond

***Assignment for Thursday and beyond

Hello We are going deep in Elk and Ladybug so quickly and the conversation about the qualities and site is really great.  Below are some…

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Homework for Tuesday + last night's tutorial

Homework for Tuesday + last night’s tutorial

A reminder for some homework for Tuesday: Read all blog posts through the first Arduino assignments, starting from bottom. Finish reading articles. Arduino lessons via…

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Ladybug news from the developer!

Ladybug news from the developer!

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Arduino Sensors Inventory

Arduino Sensors Inventory

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Mid-term Outline

Mid-term Outline

Please see the post for Salvador Rueda’s BCNecologia_Presentacio Superilles definition and the J. of Urbanism submission, ACADIA 2015 and ACSA 2016. *Example from Speranza Architecture + Urban Design. PAGE…

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ASSIGNMENT 05D: ARDUINO 15, 17, 19, 20, 21

ASSIGNMENT 05D: ARDUINO 15, 17, 19, 20, 21

Please checkout material and return them to the box outside LA 485 (my office). I made four new kits of: 1) an new LCD screen,…

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1.0 Project Book assignment

1.0 Project Book assignment

*draft due as PDF presentation AND jpgs to a post by Tuesday, October 9 *final due Thursday, October 11 for class presentation *Example from Speranza…

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