• SOMD GE Office Manual (this page)
    • Provides information specific to GEs in the SOMD: Classroom, printing, technology, access to supplies ,etc.
  • General Duties & Responsibilities Statement (GDRS) 
    • The SOMD GDRS is a document that describes the conditions under which GE appointments and reappointments are made, evaluations are performed, etc. Please note that the GDRS is NOT a job description.  Find the most recent SOMD GDRS on the Division of Graduate Studies’ website.
  • GTFF Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA)
    • The CBA is the bargaining agreement between the UO and GTFF. Please refer to the articles and appendices on the Division of Graduate Studies’ website.

Accessible Education Center

Instructors have the responsibility to ensure full access for students with disabilities by responding to a student’s need or request for accommodations. The Accessible Education Center is an excellent source of information and assistance. University of Oregon syllabi include a statement encouraging students with disabilities to make their needs known to the instructor early in the term. The following sample serves as a guideline syllabus statement:

“The University of Oregon and I are dedicated to fostering inclusive, equitable, and accessible learning environments for all students. The Accessible Education Center (AEC) assists students with disabilities in reducing barriers in the educational experience. You may be eligible for accommodations for a variety of disabilities – apparent disabilities, such as a mobility or physical disability, or non apparent disabilities, such as chronic illnesses or psychological disabilities. If you have or think you have a disability and experience academic barriers, please contact the Accessible Education Center (Location: 360 Oregon Hall; 541-346-1155; uoaec@uoregon.edu) to discuss appropriate accommodations or support. The details of your disability will be kept confidential with the AEC and you are not expected to share this information with others. However, I invite you to discuss any approved accommodations or access needs at any time with me.”

Students are encouraged to request an instructor notification letter that lists options, possible accommodations, and adjustments to class design that may allow for full and effective class participation. For more information, please see http://aec.uoregon.edu.

Administrative Staff

Name Office Extension Email Administrative Office
Leslie Straka 6-3788 lstraka@uoregon.edu Associate Dean, School of Music and Dance
Kathie Hsieh 6-5664 gradmus@uoregon.edu Music Graduate Office
Jim Klenke 6-5663 jklenke@uoregon.edu SOMD Accounting Office
Brooke Cagno 6-5648 somdscheduling@uoregon.edu Events & Scheduling Coordinator
Steve Dunn 6-3811 sdunn10@uoregon.edu Facilities Services Director
Ann Shaffer 6-1850 ashaffer@uoregon.edu Knight Library Music Librarian
SOMD Front Desk 6-3761 somdfrontdesk@uoregon.edu Reception, Mail, Print Orders

Appropriate Use of University Facilities

The facilities of the University of Oregon have been built at taxpayer expense for the use of students and faculty in education, research, and other university-related activities. It is contrary to state policy that offices, practice rooms, or any other university facilities be used for personal mone­tary gain. This policy prohibits their use for private lessons, practice sessions (outside of assigned duties), or other activities not related directly to the instruction of register­ed students or legitimate UO faculty activities.

Audio-Visual Equipment

Each classroom is equipped with an audio-visual lectern with video connections to the classroom projector, audio connections to the installed speakers, and a document camera to project physical documents. If you wish to give PowerPoint presentations or use other computer programs to project images, you will need to provide your own laptop and cable adaptors or you may reserve one for check out from the receptionist at the Front Desk. Classrooms are in the process of having components upgraded, many now use an HDMI connection to the projector, but some still use VGA. You will need to determine which connections your computer has and plan to bring or checkout the appropriate adapters.

Building Security

Music Building classrooms are unlocked from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Keys may be checked out from the Front Desk for after hours and weekend classes or meetings. If you regularly teach a class in the evening, a key may be issued to you, or a code, if the room is secured with a keypad lock. Do not share your key or code with anyone else. Entering a code into the keypad not only opens the room; it also records who unlocked the room and at what time. Never let someone without a code into a room that requires code access. This is for your safety and the safety of the building.

Because the Music Building is on 18th Street at the edge of campus, we are a high target for theft. Do not leave your belongings unattended, even for a few minutes. Encourage your students to be vigilant as well. Although there are security cameras in the building covering the exits and other main areas, there are times when no one is caught and items such as laptops and instruments are not recovered.

Classroom Management

Each classroom has a diagram near or on the door depicting how each room should be set-up. Please make sure at the end of your class times that you return to the designated set up.

No food or drink — except water — is allowed in the classrooms. Please set a good example for your students.

The pianos are very expensive musical instruments and are not tables or lecterns. Keep all books, papers, laptops, backpacks, instruments or instrument cases, coats, etc. off of the pianos. Again, please set a good example for your students.

We have limited custodial support and rely on every member of the School of Music and Dance community to safeguard and care for the facilities.

Classroom Reservations

For regular or semi-regular classroom use for academic programs and ensemble sectionals, please see the Events & Scheduling Coordinator.

When you wish to schedule a room for a temporary one-time use and have determined a possible date and time, please email the Events & Scheduling Coordinator who will confirm the reservation online.

You can view the Beall Hall and SOMD Room Calendars online, here

Computer Lab

There are computers in the Kammerer Computer Lab in room 105 for music student use. Students have access to computers; MIDI keyboards; and many other computer-related devices. A public printer can be accessed through the computers in the lab. The lab is equipped with software and equipment to augment classroom instruction in theory and aural skills, with additional programs and capability for music composition, word processing, electronic mail, and more. It is accessible to students who have been issued a key code available for the room. (The code is provided upon request to all music students.) Do not allow anyone into the lab who does not have a code. The Lab is available for music student use except when it has been scheduled for classes.  

There are similar computer setups in the Douglas Room in the Knight Library that are available for student use.

Confidentiality of Student Records

The University of Oregon, in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), is responsible for monitoring access to and release of information from student education records. Staff and faculty with access to student education records are legally responsible for protecting the privacy of the student by using information only for legitimate educational reasons to instruct, advise, or otherwise assist students. FERPA also assures certain rights to students at the university regarding their education records. These rights do not transfer to parents, guardians, spouses or other family members without the specific written permission of the student. For more information, please see http://registrar.uoregon.edu/records_privacy/faculty_staff.

Care should be taken to protect the privacy of student records. Social security numbers and UO ID numbers are not to be used in any form for posting grades. As an alternative, you can assign students a code or number known only to the student and the instructor for the purpose of posting grades. You can create a series of random numbers by using the Registrars Office Random 3-Digit Code Generator available at: http://registrar.uoregon.edu/faculty_staff/random_number_generator.

Copying Materials

The multifunction copier located in the GE workroom (Room 205) is available for small (one off) jobs related to your GE duties. It is NOT intended to be used for copying and/or printing large multipage documents, dissertations, making copies for your faculty advisor, etc.

General Information: 

  • Each GE is assigned a personal copy code. Please DO NOT share this with anyone.
  • If you forget your code, please email SOMDAccounting@uoregon.edu or stop by the SOMD Accounting Office (Room 219F).
  • The equipment in the workroom is a multifunction machine (photocopier, scanner, and printer).
  • There are instructions posted on the wall in the workroom to assist with using the Mac computers so you can print to the multifunction device. If you have problems or need assistance, please submit a ticket to service.uoregon.edu or call 541-346-4357.

Copy Allotment:

  • Each GE is allotted 250 copies per term (a total of 750 for the academic year).
  • Your copies should be related to your GE job duties. If your faculty advisor is asking you to make photocopies for them, please let the School of Music and Dance Accounting Office (SOMDAccounting@uoregon.edu) know.
  • Copy jobs 25 pages or more need to be done at UO Print Services.
    • To do so, please email: somdfrontdesk@uoregon.edu with the attached PDF(s) of what you need ordered including how many copies,1-sided or 2-sided, stapled top left, 3-hole punch, booklet style, etc.
      • Please send your Print Service request at least 4 days prior (not including weekends) to when you need it. Orders arrive through Campus Mail which is delivered M-F by 9:30am to the Front Desk reception area. If you need the order sooner, than you will need to pick-up your order from Print Services. UO Print Services main branch is at the Baker Downtown Center, 318 East Broadway, southeast corner of Broadway and High Street (across the street from Whole Foods Market).
    • Using UO Print Services is more economical for the School of Music and it cuts down on unnecessary wear and tear on the machine.
    • Copies sent to UO Print Services DO NOT count against your allotment.

Personal Copies:

The use of the multifunction equipment for personal photocopies is allowed. The machine gets heavy use so please limit your personal copies and do not abuse this privilege. Please record the number of personal copies next to your name on the Personal Photocopies Log so they are not counted against your allotment.

Multifunction Equipment Problems:

If there is a problem (paper jam, out of paper or toner, etc.) with the machine contact the front desk (SOMDFrontDesk@uoregon.edu). We will try to fix the problem right away or call for service. If the copy equipment is not available, please stop by the SOMD front desk and we will assist you in getting your documents photocopied or printed.

Course Evaluations

Students have the opportunity to submit course evaluations each term. If you are the Instructor of Record, you will be able to access these evaluations electronically through DuckWeb. These evaluations may be examined by supervising faculty members and the Division of Graduate Studies as part of the review process.

Dead Week & Final Exams

The University has strict guidelines regarding the week before finals, known as “Dead Week”:

  • No examination worth more than 20% of the final grade can be given, with the exception of makeup exams.
  • No final examinations will be given under any guise.
  • No projects will be due unless they have been clearly specified on the syllabus within the first two weeks of the term.
  • Take-home examinations will be due no earlier than the day of the formally assigned in-class final examination.


The university is an equal-opportunity, affirmative-action institution committed to cultural diversity and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. 

Email Communication

Email is the official form of communication from the University and the Music Graduate Office. It is mandatory that all UO students use the UO email account provided for them. Official communications will be sent by email to your UO email account.

As a GE instructor, if you integrate email communication into the course work, please use the bcc feature to protect the privacy of all students.

Emergency Services

In an emergency situation, call 9-1-1. The receptionist at the Front Desk can provide first aid supplies for minor injuries. For all other business or non-emergencies, please call one of these numbers: https://dos.uoregon.edu/help

If a fire is detected, an alarm will sound throughout the building and some doors will automatically close to contain the fire. Please leave the building via the nearest exit. If you discover a fire, please call Emergency 9-1-1 immediately and inform the receptionist at the Front Desk.

GE Conerns

If a GE has a concern about their students, course material being taught, instructor of a course, etc., they should follow the protocol below to ensure that issues are addressed appropriately. Supervisors should hold meetings with GEs regularly to check in on work and term plans/goals where some concerns may be addressed. If issues are not resolved:

  1. Schedule an individual meeting with the supervisor to discuss the concern.
  2. If the supervisor is not the appropriate person with whom to discuss the concern, contact the area chair.
  3. If the issue is still not resolved, contact the SOMD Associate Dean of Graduate Studies.

GE Discipline & Discharge

If discipline and discharge issues arise, the School of Music & Dance will follow the guidelines set in the GTFF CBA Article 16.

Per the GTFF CBA (Article 16, Section 12): “A GE may have a Union representative present, to represent or accompany the GE, at investigatory interviews, or any similar meeting where Weingarten rights would apply.”

GE Sick Leave

Visit this page for GE Sick Leave information.

GE Workload & Evaluations

The processes and procedures for GE Workload & Evaluations are highlighted in the SOMD General Duties & Responsibilities Statement (GDRS). Find the most recent SOMD GDRS on the Division of Graduate Studies’ website

GE Workroom

GEs can access the GE workroom (Room 205) by using their personal access code issued by the Facilities Services Director.

Macintosh computers and a copier/printer are available for use only by Music GEs in Room 205. This equipment is solely for work directly related to your GE duties. Use the Kammerer Computer Lab for your own graduate student work, including any printing needs.

A refrigerator and microwave are available in the GE workroom for GEs to use. Please do your part in keeping both of these clean.

Please remember the GE Lab is a communal work space. Be respectful of your co-workers and the workspace by helping to keep it clean. If you see the recycle box getting full please empty it in the blue recycle bins at the end of the hallway by the elevator. Remember, if you are recycling paper or documents that are confidential (student information, grades, etc.) please put them in the confidential recycle bin found in Room 219J. Please contact the front desk if you the lab needs office supplies replenished. You are also welcome to use the workroom (Room 121J).


If you are the instructor of record for a course, you are advised to use the course syllabus as a contract and spell out what will and will not be accepted as legitimate reasons for late assignments. If you are assisting in a course, please check with the course instructor to find out how to handle late assignments.

Incomplete Grades: This is an option if the instructor feels the student deserves an extension to complete a minor yet essential requirement. Review the important information regarding incomplete grades on the Registrar’s website

Grades are entered on DuckWeb and must be completed by noon on the Tuesday after finals week for fall and spring terms and Monday for winter term.

Handing Back Papers and Exams

Confidentiality: It is the instructor’s responsibility to return papers and other assignments in a way that protects the identity of the student.

Retention period: The official university retention policy is: (a) 1 term after completion for uncontested grade results, (b) until resolved for contested grade results. For complete information, see: http://libweb.uoregon.edu/records/schedule/index.html

Disposal: To protect the student’s right of confidentiality, SOMD has a secure bin for recycling confidential material. The secure bin is located in the upstairs administrative workroom, 219J.

IT Support

Visit this page for information regarding how to access IT help. 

Illness and Sick Leave

If you are ill and need to miss class, please contact your GE supervisor and the SOMD Front Desk. The receptionist at the Front Desk can post a note on the classroom door or your office door if class or lessons must be canceled.

To report GE Sick Leave, please follow these instructions.


Office and building keys are issued at the Key Office in the EMU. You must fill out a Key Request Form before receiving a signed key authorization card, which you then take to the Key Office.

Letterhead Usage

SOMD letterhead is to be used solely for official SOMD correspondence. If you feel you have a legitimate need, please see the Scheduling Coordinator.


U.S. and Campus. The departmental address is not to be used for personal mail, including household bills (such as telephone), charge card accounts, and subscriptions to magazines. For department-related business, the correct mailing address is:

Your Name
School of Music and Dance
1225 University of Oregon
Eugene OR 97403-1225

The campus mail courier picks up and delivers campus mail twice daily at approximately 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. They also pick up Fed Ex packages and printing orders.

For FedEx, UPS, etc., the physical/shipping address is:

Your Name
School of Music and Dance
961 E 18th Ave
Eugene OR 97403-1225

Please contact the SOMD Front Desk before confirming any shipping or delivery through either Fed Ex/UPS.


You are assigned a mailbox in the music reception area. If an item is too large to fit into your box, a “Package” note will be left in your box and the package placed on the oversized shelf. Your students may turn in papers for you at the Front Desk, which can be date/time-stamped for your record. Please give the receptionist advance notice if you expect items to be stamped. The Front Desk cannot accept cash or other forms of payment on your behalf. Please make other arrangements to receive such items.

Mandatory Reporting and Harassment Prevention

The Office of Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity is a good source of advice for assistance with these concerns. For more information, please see http://aaeo.uoregon.edu.

Office Hours

You are required to post your office hours on your office door and give a copy of office hours to the Front Desk. If you must miss your office hours, please notify the receptionist at the Front Desk.


GEs wishing to park on campus may apply for a student parking pass; staff/faculty permits are not available for music GEs. All faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to use alternative transportation such as the bus, bike, walk, and carpool. University ID cards allow you free rides on the local LTD bus system. For more information, please see https://parking.uoregon.edu.

Sales of Books or Papers in Class

Book and packet sales are normally handled by the UO Bookstore. If there is a special situation that requires making sales to students, please obtain approval in advance from Melynn Bates in the SOMD Accounting Office.

Student Conduct and Academic Dishonesty

The UO Dean of Students Office issues policies and guidelines regarding academic dishonesty and student conduct. For more information, please see https://dos.uoregon.edu/faculty-resources


You will be provided with reasonable office and instructional supplies, including paper and toner for the GE Workroom computer and dry erase markers for the classroom. For all office and classroom supply needs, please contact the SOMD Front Desk.

ROSE (Reusable Office Supply Exchange) is an on-campus source for free used office supplies. ROSE is a space to find reused office equipment for free. Located in 182 PLC (near the NW corner of PLC 180). As of 2022, ROSE includes office and school supplies, clothing, and homewares that are FREE for the UO community. For more information please contact sscreusables@uoregon.edu


A syllabus is required for every course offered, including studio lessons and ensembles. Please consult your supervisor for assistance in creating a syllabus.

Teaching Help

The Teaching Effectiveness Program is an excellent resource for help with assessing and improving undergraduate instruction. It is a division of Academic Learning services and can be reached at tep@uoregon.edu or 541-346-2177. Please see their website to find out more about their services and training workshops.


If you are a returning instructor, the Duck Store will automatically contact you to reorder textbooks. If this is your first time teaching, please consult with your faculty supervisor or call the Duck Store at 541-346-4331.


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