Embracing Diversity in 2018

In 2018, Global Education Oregon (GEO) is excited to be deepening our commitment to diversity, and we invite our partners to engage with us as we do so.

As proud institutional partners of Diversity Abroad, GEO is pleased to be among the sponsors of the upcoming 2018 Diversity Abroad conference. In addition to exhibiting at the April conference, GEO’s Assistant Director for Institutional Relations, Lisa Calevi, will be presenting a session entitled “Turn Up The Volume: Digital Storytelling of Underrepresented Students in Education Abroad” with Skyller Walkes, Interim Director of the Office of Disability Services at Texas State University, an HACU, and Dr. Barbara Edwards, Associate Professor of Business at Florida Memorial University, an HBCU. Their presentation, “Turn Up the Volume: Digital Storytelling of Underrepresented Students in Education Abroad,” will addresses issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in global education. If you are attending the Diversity Abroad Conference in April, we hope you will make plans to attend this session on April 9 at 10:30 am.

Last year, GEO hosted the first annual “Living Abroad in Your Skin” panel discussion with diverse alumni from our programs who spoke about experiencing their identity abroad in new ways, which you can read more about here. In 2018, the theme of our next panel event is inspired by the work of acclaimed author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. If you haven’t yet heard Adichie’s fantastic TED talk, “The Danger of a Single Story” (July 2009), watch it here. We look forward to sharing excerpts of our 2018 “Living Abroad in Your Skin” panel with you later in the year; in the meantime, GEO is proud to highlight the stories of some of our diverse alumni in our “Profiles in Diversity Abroad” video. We encourage you to share this link on your social media platforms!


Have an alumni on your campus that should be featured? Please let us know! We love to hear the stories of students who have attended a GEO program and experienced their identity through a new, international lens. If your student has written or created media to share their experience – or would like to connect them with us so that we can help them do that – please don’t hesitate to reach out to your Institutional Relations Representative – you may see them featured in a future newsletter!