The Awakening Hour

“Every morning was a cheerful invitation to make my life of equal simplicity, and I may say innocence, with Nature herself” (Thoreau 63).

In this paragraph, Thoreau describes his early morning bathing ritual in the pond. Referring to this as a religious exercise, he said that bathing in the pond each morning was one of the best things he did while living in Nature.

“Renew thyself completely each day; do it again, and again, and forever again” (Confucius, The Great Learning).

While living in Nature, Thoreau was able to connect with the environment in ways that many people have never or will never experience. After living by the labor of only his hands for two years and two months, Thoreau was able to understand what Confucius meant by “renew thyself completely each day.” This can be interpreted both symbolically and physically. A bath is a physical renewal of oneself each morning. One is washed, clean and ready to start the day. It is also a symbolic renewal of oneself each morning. In this awakening hour one must renew his or herself to prepare for the day that lies ahead.

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