We all have been constantly blogging and talking about why people should care about climate change, why it is hard to get people to care about climate change and wondering why people have not done anything to stop it. Yet we have not focused on what exactly we can do to help prevent climate change. It is easy to tell people that we need to care about it but the hard part is individually doing something to prevent it. I think that not only do we need people to notice climate change and that it is a problem in our world today but to give them action plans to prevent it. Because without giving people specific examples of what they can to do help, let’s be honest nothing is going to change. Even I can regretfully say that although I know that climate change is happening, and have known for awhile, I have done nothing to change the way I live to prevent it from happening. I can bet that I am not the only one who is doing this either, so I’ve decided to write a blog post on easy ways that you individually can help put a stop to climate change. Because whether you believe it or not your individual actions really do affect what happens in this world. I think it is extremely important for people to write about climate change but you have to “practice what you preach” and start actively doing things to prevent it as well. In order for this to work we have to accept that we are the solution to climate change. Which brings me to a book that I found while researching online called Stop Global Warming: The Solution Is You!
Here are a few interesting examples that I found useful from the book Stop Global Warming: The Solution Is You! by Laurie David. Possibly one of the easiest things that you can do is, “Bring your own reusable cup to Starbucks.” So many of us, including me, indulge on Starbucks at least once a week. If only twenty of us started bringing reusable cups think of all the paper that we could save. It makes a difference! Another example is, “Pull chargers from the wall and turn off computers. If your cell phone, iPod, or digital camera is unplugged from the charger, but the charger is still in the wall, it is draining energy.” Leaving your electronics plugged in or keeping the light on is most likely contributing to global warming pollution and it is an easy fix to reduce this, it takes two seconds! Lastly, start to become active with your community! An example from this book says, “Pay attention to the efforts of companies doing good things and support them. If you own stock in public companies become active in developing resolutions and vote your shares to move companies in the right direction. Companies do listen to these criticisms from their shareholders, even before they gain majority support.” This is an easy way to actively change the choices that companies are making. There are many other ways to be active in your community like supporting local organic farmers etc.
By making small individual changes it can really make a difference in your community. People will see that you are making changes and how easy it really is to change your lifestyle and then they will start to do it as well. There are many other examples that this book gives and I encourage everyone to look at it and choose each week to start doing. We all have to remember that WE are the solution for climate change.
I think that this is something that needs to be talked about more in the community. We talk about it so much in class, but people need to understand that this is a serious issue. The fact that we control, to an extent, if we will have the same environment that we grew up with in the future blows my mind. Good piece.
You raise some excellent points about what we can do as a whole to prevent climate change. Many people, myself include, often think that unless we are trying to make an impact on a large scale, our efforts are useless. However, if everyone brought a reusable cup to Starbucks like you stated, it would in turn result in an impactful process. Education about the issue is important to an extent, but our actions are far superior. If we all just took a second to look at our lives and identify things that could be changed in order to benefit the greater good, we might be able to make a change.
I am very glad that you discussed this topic in your post. I also agree that many people are voicing that climate change needs to be prevented, but actual methods of action in preventing it are not usually given. I find the examples you provided to be extremely helpful and any small change counts. I really like the idea you gave about becoming involved in our communities because that can make a huge difference.
You defiantly aren’t the only one, as I have also been slacking on making my carbon footprint smaller. The ideas you provide are great, they are small enough where many people would be willing to make a change and implement them into their lives, but, with enough people, big enough to really make a difference is this world.