After reading Kathleen Moore’s article on “The Ethics of Adaption to Global Warming” she proposed a question, which asked, “Does the adaptation effort privilege the wealthy and powerful, at unjustified cost to the poor and dispossessed?” This question immediately reminded me of the short story “The Weatherman”. Characters in this story are faced with life changing decisions that are the exact answer to Moore’s question. Most stories we are reading in our English 104 class have to do with the powerful controlling the future while the poor are left to starve and die. It’s easy to imagine ourselves as one of the rich in a case like this but what if we are the poor? And are left to starve. It’s a harder image to grasp when faced with a question like that. You have to decide now what side you are going to be on. Either we can start to do something now to help face and protect the Earth from climate change, which ultimately will protect us, or adapt to it and become the rich, greedy, and self-preserving. Contine reading