Climate change is something that is happening right now in this day and age. Just by being in this class within the last week, I have learned so much more and have become more aware about climate change. The readings that were assigned for the first class, I really enjoyed. The stories “A Fable for Tomorrow” and the story by Margaret Atwood, “Time Capsule Found on the Dead Planet” were both very similar but different at the same time.They both have similar messages that they are trying to convey that the human race is to blame for global warming. Although I inferred the same message from the two stories they were both diverse than one another. “A Fable for Tomorrow” was more of an imaginative story, that created a clear picture of the land that was eventually destroyed. In the story, “Time Capsule Found on the Dead Planet” I though it was more of a dark interesting way of view on society. After we were assigned the blog post of Global Weirding, I really started to think that these stories are really implying that we are the reason global warming is happening. The way that the Global Weirding sight really scared me because it was so real and made me start thinking that if our society does not make a change then our planet will soon have so much damage no human can fix. That really scares me. These two stories really connected with me once I started looking really in depth to the blog. One part that I really connected to in Margaret Atwood’s story in age three, when it says, “money became a God. It was all powerful and out of control” (192). This quote really opened my eyes because it is true that our society cares a huge amount of their life to money. Throughout my life I just have noticed people that have only wanted to do what makes them the most money and not what is the right thing to do. I think this is such a big issue in our country that needs to be fixed, but I know that it probably won’t be. Our planet is so important to everyone that lives on it, and it seems like (at least to me) that no one really caring about the climate change that is happening to OUR planet that we live on. The other assignment we had to do was find out what was happening to our hometowns. I am from Orange County, Ca and when I looked up what was happening to Orange County it really scared me and hit home because this is where I grew up and where I have lived my whole life, and seeing the increase for wildfires is about to rise immensely, and that the sea level rises nearly everyday is a scary thought, because no one ever thinks this is going to happen to them. I personally was never really aware about what is going on in our planet until I started this class. Climate change is something that everyone needs to be aware of, and people need to start making it aware to everyone.
I totally relate to how you feel regarding global warming affecting your home town. I am also from Southern California and I didn’t realize my home town was being affected as much as it was until I researched it this past week. Hopefully the rest of our community realizes what a big issue global warming is so we can stop it before it begins destroying things we need to survive.