Tag Archive | Victory Shot

Start of Week 3 – Winter Term Edition

Spent this day of genuflection on the sacrifices of others to work on advancing my readings and making sure to have required assignments done sooner rather than later.  I am proud of the minor accomplishments I made this weekend but the task feels endless when I look at my list.  Though, with each check mark, there is one less thing to do.  Thankfully, I have booze in the freezer to take a Victory Shot with and then spend a few hours with friends eating chocolate and watching Season 4 of Downton Abbey.  (I just want Mary to be happy!)

The readings and assignments for Week 4 will be tackled before I know it and I am grateful for the opportunity to work for what I am worth.  I am worth a lot of time and energy and I want it to show in my writing and commitment to the AAD program.

Now to sleep as Tuesdays are the 8:30AM class (bleh) and I would like to get the proper English dialect out of my head!  It may only be the start of Week 3 but one must simply not have an emotional breakdown of character so early in the term!